What are the synoptic gospels? Flashcards
What does synoptic mean?
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Which three people wrote the synoptic gospels?
Matthew, Mark and Luke
Why are Matthew, Mark and Luke referred to as the synoptics?
Because they share alot of material. There are passages that are word for word the same in the synoptic gospels and other passages where it is obvious one gospel has taken the line from the other and either added lines or taken parts out
What is the viewpoint of the synoptics on the theology of Jesus?
They largely share the same viewpoint, but also have their own distinctive differnces
How does Matthew present Jesus?
As the prophecised Jewish Messiah
How does Mark present Jesus?
As the suffering servant who moves in secret among his people
How does Luke present Jesus?
Presents him as the saviour of all people, including the Gentiles
What is the distinctive style of the synoptics?
They are decriptive rather than reflective
What are the three main things the synoptics describe Jesus doing?
- Performing many miracles and healings
- Having encounters with the Jewish and Roman authorities, with lunatics and ordinary people
- He casts out demons and spirits
How do Jesus’ speeches differ between John and the synoptics?
In the synoptics, his speeches are short and to the point. Whereas in John, Jesus engages in discourses with lots of detailed philosophy
What form of teaching to the synoptics contain that are largely exlcuded from John?
What debate does the difference between John and the synoptics spark?
Which gospel presents the real Jesus: Was he a storytelling healer and exorcist, like in the synoptics; or was he a philosopher who gave long speeches, like in John?
What is the popular explanation for the differnce between the synoptics and John?
The synoptics record more of the ipsissema verba of Jesus. However, John puts words into Jesus’ mouth that he never said, but captures the ipsissima vox of what Jesus was trying to say
What does ipsissima verba mean?
The actual words of Jesus
What does ipsissima vox mean?
The distinctive meaning of what Jesus was trying to say
What does JAT Robinson say about the historical accuracy of the synoptics?
He has made persuasive arguements that John preserves eye witness testimony of Jesus just as well as the synoptics
What do most scholars see as the first gospel?
Mark, probably written in the late 60s CE
How do many scholars view the synoptic gospels?
They see them as the earliest account of Jesus’ life and sayings. The titles will therefore tell us alot about what the early Christians thought of Jesus and perhaps what Jesus thought of himself