The purpose and authorship of the 4th gospel: Jesus as Christ Flashcards
State John 20:31
‘But these things are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and believing this, receive life in his name’
What is the difference about the way the term Messiah is used in John compared to the Synoptics?
In the Synoptics, JC is very secretive about being the Messiah, but in John he announces it openly (John 4:26)
What does the fourth gospel do to the terms Christ/Messiah?
Develop its own interpretation of what these words mean that is rooted in Jewish beliefs but isn’t entirely the same as them
What does Dodd say the most important meaning of Christ in the 4th gospel is?
King - this is why Nathaniel calls JC the ‘King of Israel’ at the start of the gospel and why Pilate puts up a mocking signing calling JC the King of the Jews at the end of the gospel - or the crowds saying ‘blessed is the King of Israel’ when Jc enters Jerusalem
What is the counter to Dodd’s idea that Christ means King in the 4th gospel?
It never mentions the line of David and is not interested in the conventional idea of a Kingly Messiah
Give some examples of JC not being interested in being called a King?
- He escapes when the Galileans try to crown him King after the feeding of the 5000
- When Pilate asks JC if he is King, he says ‘my Kingdom is not of this world’
What does the idea of Christ as King mean in John’s gospel?
JC is a spiritual King who rules over people’s souls, rather than an earthly King who rules over territory
How does the idea that JC is a spiritual King link to the Johnannine idea that believers must be born again?
As physical beings, Christians are subjects of worldly Kings, but as creatures who have been spiritually reborn, Christians have one King - Christ
What does Dodd argue that Christ can also be understood as?
The Lamb of God - this is what JTB recognises JC as
How is the phrase Lamb of God unique to the 4th gospel?
It does not appear in the Synoptics and Jews don’t describe the Messiah in this way
What do Dodd and Brown say about the phrase Lamb of God?
That it is not something JTB actually said
How does the phrase Lamb of God fail the critereon of multiple attestation?
Because JTB appears in the Synoptics too but doesn’t use the phrase
How does the 4th gospel clearly link the Lamb of God to Christ?
As soon as JTB calls JC the Lamb of God, Andrew goes to Peter to announce that they have found the Messiah
How does the phrase Lamb of God compare to the Paschal Lamb?
Because just like a paschal lamb, the Lamb of God will be a sacrificial victim - someone who dies so that others can live. JC is the Lamb of God because his death will give believers eternal life. Just like the paschal lamb, JC is without blemish. This makes the Lamb of God an example of RT
How does the fourth gospel change the timing of JC’s crucifixion to establish RT?
JC is presented as dying at the same time the paschal lamb is sacrificed in the temple. JC is the true lamb of God, the lamb being killed is just a substitute
Make the case that the purpose of the fourth gospel is to present Jesus as Christ
- The Book of Signs begins with Andrew announcing that JC is the messiah
- The Book of Glory ends with the promise that you will receive eternal life if you believe that JC is the Christ
- JC is presented as the Lamb of God who will die a sacrificial death for mankind - this is the true meaning of Christ in Christianity
Make the case that the purpose of the 4th gospel is not to present JC as the Christ?
- Presents him as a different kind of Christ - a physical rather than spiritual King. The gospel is trying to change our understanding of what Christ means
- The Synoptic gospels see JC as the Christ in terms of Isaiah’s suffering servant. The idea of JC being the Lamb of God is unique to the fourth gospel