The purpose and authorship of the 4th gospel: The fulfilment of scripture Flashcards
What to Matthew’s proof texts do?
Link JC to prophecies about the Messiah
Who does the 4th gospel present JC as being?
The Messiah presented by the OT hundreds of years previously
Explain Isaiah’s suffering servant?
Outlined in Isaiah 53, he was tortured by the very people he was trying to help
Where does John link JC to Isaiah’s suffering servant?
‘He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him’ (John 1:11)
How can 8:58 be seen as a fulfilment of prophecy?
Isiaih 9:6 describes the Messiah as ruling over an eternal and everlasting Kingdom, and this passage makes clear that JC is the eternal SoG
How is the High Priest ordering JC’s death to save the lives of the Jewish people an example of the fulfilment of scripture?
Because Isaiah 53: 4-6 explains that the Suffering Servant will die in place of his people
Look on the wall for quotes that fulfil one another
What is the significance of the soldiers throwing dice to see who gets JC’s seamless cloth and the executioners dividing up JC’s clothes between them?
‘They divide my clothes among them and cast lots for my garment’ (Psalm 22:18)
What is the significance of a soldier spearing JC in the ribs to check he is dead while his mother watches?
‘They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for me as one mourns for an only child’ (Zechariah 2:10)
Why is it significant that JC’s bones are not broken when he is crucified?
This fulfils the instruction in Exodus 12:46 about preparing the paschal lamb
What do many critics say about the prophecies that John seemingly fulfils?
They point towards the fact that the Johannine Community had disagreements with the Synagogues over whether JC was the Messiah. This means they may have added details that weren’t historical to get a match with the OT so as to support their christological position
Why does the criterion of multiple attestation support the idea that JC’s clothes were divided?
Because it is also described in Matthew 27:35, so may be a historical detail
Why is the fulfilment of prophecy important?
Because it suggests that the whole OT is about JC and was inspired by him, as the pre-existent Logos
What is the irony of the OT for John?
Because everything that happens in it is supposed to prepare the Jews to accept JC as the Christ - but they don’t
How does the fulfilment of OT prophecy act as proof of the omnipotence of God?
Because it shows that he is in control of history
How does the fulfilment of scripture fulfil the promise in the Prologue that the darkness can never overcome the light?
It shows how every detail of JC’s suffering fits into a plan laid down by God in the scriptures years before
Make the case that the purpose of the 4th gospel is to fulfil scripture
- Prophecies are fulfilled in the Prologue and during JC’s crucifixion to show that JC is the source and the subject matter of the scriptures
- Shows that God is in control even when the forces of evil appear to be at hand - making it a quasi theodicy
Make the case that the point of the 4th gospel is not to fulfil scripture
- There is a possibility that the seeming fulfilment of prophecy were not just historical fabrications from the JCom
- If God had planned these things in advance and used people as pawns to do so, it calls free will into question
- Why would God choose a plan that involves so much unnecessary suffering?