Healing of the official's son (John's signs) Flashcards
What I am saying does this sign link to?
I am the way, the truth and the life
Why is it ironic that one of Herod Antipas’ royal officials asks JC for help?
Because Antipas tried to kill JC when he was a baby. The man who carries out evil orders for his dynasty is now asking JC for help
How does this sign have parallels with JC’s first sign, where he turns water into wine?
- It is performed on the third day
- Jesus seems unwilling to perform it until the petitioner shows sincerity
- JC does not have to be physically present to perform the sign, his word is enough
What is important about JC saying ‘unless you see signs and wonders, you will never believe’?
JC is not talking about people who simply gape and wonder at his signs - instead he claims that understanding the underlying means of the signs is the only way to move from amazement to belief
How is this sign an example of RE?
JC has been rejected by the people that he has come to save - the Jews. The official believes that he has found a saviour, despite being JC’s supposed enemy ‘he takes Jesus at his word’; and his faith is rewarded
How does this sign link to JC’s resurrection?
Because the boy is saved on the third day, the same amount of time it will take JC to be resurrected
What is JC restoring the life of the child a symbol of?
JC’s gift of eternal life to those who believe in him
Why is the royal official a symbol for the reader?
Because both are looking back on Jesus’ words and signs with hindsight, only realising what they mean later. John’s readers are invited to ‘take JC at his word’ that he is the messiah and the son of God; if they do, they will receive life too
How does this sign relate to petitionary prayer?
Because this involves praying for God to do something for you; usually heal or save you. By the time John was written, early Christians were already addressing petitionary prayers to JC up in heaven
How is this sign consoling?
Because it suggests that JC listens and is compassionate, that he can accomplish things that seem impossible and that God is always at work in our lives
What is the question of divine impassability?
Whether God’s mind can be changed by prayers
How does this sign link to the problem of evil?
Because it begs the question of why God does not intervene to prevent suffering like this on a regular basis
Make the case that this sign is essential for understanding JC’s identity
- Points out the danger of becoming a ‘sign seeker’ and taking an interest in JC out of selfishness and curiosity. Reminds Christians that their faith should be in JC himself; not his miracles
- Reassures Christians that their prayers can be answered, no matter how desperate things seem
- JC implicitly praises people who believe without seeing signs and wonders. The reward for this kind of faith in life in JC’s name, rather than signs or miracles