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New Testament Studies
> I AM sayings anthology guide > Flashcards
I AM sayings anthology guide Flashcards
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New Testament Studies
(77 decks)
Johannine Prologue
I Am Sayings
Christmas Story
Life in 1st century Palestine
The impact of Hellenic civilisation
The relationship of Hellenism with Jesus' life and work
Understanding the Roman Empire
The impact of Roman occupation
The relationship of Roman occupation with Jesus' life and work
Understanding the temple
The sadducees
The Pharisees
The Essenes
The Zealots
Are the religious groups important?
Matthew's birth narrative and proof texts (The virgin birth)
The visit of the Magi/Proof text 2
The escape to Egypt
The massacre of the innocents
Relocation to Nazareth
Evaluating Matthew's birth narrative and the proof texts
What are the synoptic gospels?
Synoptic title: Messiah
Synoptic title: Son of God
Low vs High Christology
Is the concept of 'Son of God' essential for understanding Jesus' identity?
'I am' statements in John's Gospel
'I Am the Bread of Life'
'I am the Light of the World'
'I am the good shepherd'
What is the Johannine prologue?
'I am the True Vine'
Synoptic title: Son of Man
John's signs
Turning water into wine
Why did Jesus have to die?
Religious and political authorities (conflict in John)
Conflict with the authorities in John
Jesus clears the temple courts
The authority of the son and testimonies about Jesus
Division over who Jesus is and the unbelief of the Jewish leaders
Disputes and Jesus' claims about himself
The Pharisees investigate the healing
Further conflict over Jesus' claims
The plot to kill Jesus
Evaluating Jesus' conflict with the authorities
Jesus' arrest
The High Priest questions Jesus and Peter's denials
Jesus before Pilate
Evaluating Jesus' arrest and trial
What is the prologue in John?
Healing of the official's son (John's signs)
Healing at the pool (John's signs)
Feeding the 5000 (John's signs)
Walking on water (John's signs)
Healing the blind man
Raising Lazarus from the dead
The purpose and authorship of the 4th gospel
The purpose and authorship of the 4th gospel: Jesus as Christ
The purpose and authorship of the 4th gospel: Jesus as Son of God
The purpose and authorship of the 4th gospel: Life in his name
The purpose and authorship of the 4th gospel: spiritual gospel
The purpose and authorship of the 4th gospel: The fulfilment of scripture
The purpose and authorship of the 4th gospel: A gospel to convert the Jews and Gentiles
Prophecies Concerning The Messiah
Form criticism
Starting analysis: source, form and redaction criticism
The Kingdom of God in Luke
Source, form, redaction etc.
Ways of interpreting the gospel
Scientific and historical critical challenges to the resurrection
The importance of the Line of David
Isaiah's Suffering Servant
The Synoptic Problem
I AM sayings anthology guide