'I am the Light of the World' Flashcards
What theme from the prologue does this passage continue?
The theme of Light and Darkness
What two prophecies does Jesus put into action here?
Isaiah 49:6 and Isaiah 42:7
What was prophecised in Isaiah 49:6?
That the Messiah would be ‘a light to the gentiles’
What was said about the Messiah in Isaiah 42:7?
That he would ‘open eyes that are blind’
What did 1st century Jews believe about illness?
They believed that those who fell ill were being punished for their sins. If someone was born with an illness, it was their parents who were being punished, since Jews do not believe in reincarnation
How does the bread of life discourse link to the problem of evil?
The disciples give Jesus the opportunity to propose a theodicy on why there is suffering in the world
Jesus rejects the idea that illness is punishment for a sin. What does he believe instead?
He thinks it is an opportunity for God’s works to be displayed
What theodicy could the bread of life discourse be linked to?
The Iranaean theodicy
What is the Iranaean theodicy?
Proposes that God causes evil and suffering so that goodness might come out of it
How does Raymond Brown interpret this passage?
What does Raymond Brown believe the man’s blindness represents?
Ignorance; specifically the way the Gentiles are ignorant to the God of the OT. This is not their fault unless they they insist on remaining ignorant when Jesus arrives to open their eyes
What is this passage really about?
It is about the first Gentile Christians who believe, contrasting them with the Jews who don’t believe in Jesus and remain in the darkness of ignorance, even though they have the OT scripture to guide them
Give Raymond Brown’s quote on the blind man and the Pharisee?
The blind man knows little and yet learns much; the Pharisees know everything and can be taught nothing
Why was it appropriate for Jesus to talk about light at this time?
Because the speech took place during the Feast of Tabernacles. This was a harvest festival where the temple would be lit up with torches
What is the symbloic importance of the speech taking place during the Feast of Tabernacles?
Because the Temple is brightly lit, but the people worshipping there are in darkness. The real Temple is Jesus himself and he is giving out light through his teachings