Further conflict over Jesus' claims Flashcards
What does this act as the final scene of?
The Johannine ministry of Jesus
What festival is being celebrated?
Hanukkah (around Christmas time). It celebrates re-dedication of the temple after the Maccabean revolt and the miraculous relighting of its lamps. John makes clear that the Jews misunderstand their own rituals, as Jesus is the true temple
What does Culpepper say about the way the Jews celebrated festivals?
‘They legalistically maintained their observance of the festivals but did not recognise the reality they celebrated’
What do the Jews want to know?
Whether Jesus is the Messiah, with Jesus refusing to provide a clear answer
What does Jesus end up declaring?
‘I and the father are one’. The Jews regarded this as blasphemy and tried to stone him to death
What does Jesus sarcastically say when the Jews try to stone him?
He asks which of his good works they are punishing him for
How does Jesus respond when he is accused of blasphemy?
He says that in the OT the prophets and judges are called Gods because they listen to the Word of God - but Jesus claims to be the Word of God incarnate. Since they were called Gods for listening to him, then he can call himself God without blaspheming
What does Culpepper say about Jesus’ riddling answers?
‘His non-answers allow him to retain control while moving the conversations to a higher plane, but it is not hard to understand why he provokes hostility
What is the significance of Jesus leaving Judea and entering Perea?
He returns to the place where JTB attracted his followers. The ministry has come full circle, with Jesus leaving a place of unbelieving for a place of believing. Tradition also holds that early Christians left Judea for Perea, meaning this may have been a later addition to the gospel
How does this passage link back to the prologue?
Because the Word of God is welcomed by Gentiles outside of Judea, but rejected in Judea by the Jews
State John 1:1
‘He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him’
Explain this passage in terms of Christology
In a statement of very high christology, Jesus claims to be God
Explain this passage in terms of blasphemy
The Jewish leaders regard Jesus’ claims to be God as blasphemy. It goes against the central Jewish belief that God is one and utterly transcendent
Explain this passage in terms of political expediency
Outside Judea, Jesus is outside the jurisdiction of the religious and political authorities; he is not in danger unless he returns to Judea
Why does Jesus return to Judea after this?
Because he gets news that his friend Lazarus is dying and returns to Judea to save him
Why does Jesus return to Judea after this?
Because he gets news that his friend Lazarus is dying and returns to Judea to save him