The impact of Hellenic civilisation Flashcards
What was the jewish response to Hellenization?
Some Jews resisted it, while others cheerfull embraced the new fashions, ideas, pastimes and religious beliefs
What is polytheism?
The worship of many Gods, rather than just one
Who did the Greeks worship?
The twelve Gods of Olympus, along with 100s of minor gods, demi-gods, nymphs, monsters and heroes. This wasn’t unusual, as the Jews had always had polytheistic neighbours
How did the Greek gods differ from the pagan gods of the middle east?
They were very human; had relationships with humans, took human form, visited Earth and had fueds and romances in the same way as humans
What made the myths and legends about Greek Gods especially thought-provoking and entertaining?
They were full of psychological symbolism
How did the Jews view Hellenic religion?
They saw it as very threatening
Why were Jews horrified at the appearance of statues of Greek Gods in their towns and temples?
Because for them, God had no physical appearance, so could not be described
What did the Seleucid king Antiochis do in 168 BCE?
Imposed Hellenization by force; invading Jerusalem and setting up a statue of Zeus in the temple
What was the consequence of Antiochis trying to impose Hellenization?
It led to a revolt by the Maccabee brother and a civil war between the traditional and hellenized Jews. The Maccabees won, reclaimed the temple and founded the Hasmonean dysnasty to rule over Judea
What was the Greek idea of humanism?
An interest in the human body and situation. Greek sculptures explored the human body in great detail and turned nakedness into a thing of beauty
What did Greek theatre focus on?
Human relationships and psychology. Tragedies focused on free will and what it means to be human; while comedies poked fun at sex, religion and politics
What was the Jewish response to Greek humanism?
This was all very shocking; as the second commandment forbids making ‘graven images’, and jewish culture strongly frowned upon nudity
What did Jews think to gymnasiums and bath houses?
Traditionalist Jews saw them as shameful, as people would often be naked there
Which philosophy became the unofficial ‘religion’ of the Roman Empire?
Stoics were also deists. What does this mean?
They believed that there was a God, but he did not intervene through miracles
What did the stoics believe?
They believed that everything was predetermined and practised emotional restraint and a strict honour code to make life meaningful. Stoicism would even recommend suicide as the moral course of action in certain situations
What did the ancient cynics believe?
They thought that the best life was one that followed nature rather than social expectations. They recommended giving up material possessions and turining away from society. Cynic philosophers could be very unconvential, but people still sought them out for advice
How did Hellenic and Roman philosphies make the basis for Jewish belief seem weak>
Because they has been arrived at by rational thought, rather than religious revelation. This contrasted with the Jewish religion, which came from revelations given by God to Moses and the prophets
How did some Jews link the ideas of Aristotle to their religion?
They linked God to the idea of the unmoved mover
How was Aristotle’s idea of an unmoved mover a threat to the Jewish faith?
Because it is very different to the notion of the stormy, emotional, intervening God of the Old Testament
Plato’s idea about people how having immortal souls proved popular with many Jews. Why was this a problem?
Because the Old Testament barely metions an afterlife and so most Jews did not believe in a Heaven after death
What is culture relativism?
The idea that no culture is ‘best’ and no religion ‘true’
How can the conquests of Alexander the Great be seen as having caused cultural relativism?
Because it produced a sense that there was nothing special about your own culture and the customs and beliefs you were brought up in