The Zealots Flashcards
Who were the Zealots?
A military sect, dedicated to freeing the Jews from Roman occupation through violence
When does Josephus claim the Zealots were founded
6 CE, after an uprising led by Judas of Galilee and a priest named Zadok
When did the Zealots probably emerge?
In the second century BCE, during the Maccabean revolt
What did the Zealots particularly object to?
Paying taxes to Rome
How did the Zealots combat the Romans?
Through guerilla warfare
What kind of Jews did the Zealots target?
Those who collaborated with the Romans, like the Publicans and Sadducees
Who were the Sacarii?
Means dagger-men. They would hide knives in their robes, mingle with crowds and assassiante enemies, or even random strangers, in an attempt to spread terror
What did the Zealots do in 56 CE?
Assassinated high priest Jonathan, right in the middle of the temple
What effect did the Zealots have on the Romans?
They made them feel nervous about uprisings
When did the Zealots ‘have their moment’?
66 CE, when protests against taxes turned into a full scale rebellion against that swept the Romans out of Judea. A Jewish government was created in Jerusalem, with many Zealots in top positions
What did the Zealots do after the Romans had regained control?
They made one last stand at the desert fortress of Masada. In 73 CE , they comitted mass suicide instead of surrendering to the Romans
What did these dislike about the Zealots?
He was opposed to their violent ways
Give a gospel passage to underline Jesus’ problem with the zealots?
‘But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also’ (Matthew 5:39)
Which of Jesus’ 12 disciples was a Zealot?
Simon the Zealot
Why do scholars propose that Jesus recruited a Zealot as one of his disciples?
To balance out the presence of Matthew, who was a publican. To people who should hate each other working together demonstrates the love and forgiveness that Jesus said existed in the Kingdom of God
Why do some people think that Judas may have been a Zealot?
Because there are theories that his last name, Iscariot, means sicarius - so Judas was one of the extremeist Sicarii dagger-men.
What is the problem with the idea that Judas was a member of the Sicarii?
- The translation isn’t certain
- Josephus claims that the Sicariii only began to emerge in the 50s
What does R.F Brandon argue about Jesus and Judas?
Judas was a member of the Sicarii and Jesus was a revolutionary leader who everyone expected would raise up an army against Rome. However, Jesus rejected this violent revolution, realising they were doomed, embracing pacifism instead. Brandon says that Judas betrayed him as payback for abandoning the Zealot cause
What is the problem with R.F Brandon’s theory about Jesus and Judas?
It is a colourful interpretation, and there isn’t enough evidence too support it
What could the Romans have mistook Jesus’ movement for?
A gang of Zealots