The purpose and authorship of the 4th gospel: Jesus as Son of God Flashcards
State John 20:31
‘But these things are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and believing this, receive life in his name’
What does Nathaniel do in John 1:49?
States that JC is the ‘Son of God’
How often does John use the terms Father and SoG compared to the Synoptics?
Much more often - using the phrase SoG 29 times and the phrase father over 100 times
Which two groups was the phrase SoG applied to in the OT?
The whole nation or Kings of Israel
How was OT usage of the phrase SoG symbolic?
It meant that the Jewish people were loved by God as if they were his children or that the King of Israel represents God on Earth by protecting and leading the Jewish people
In what sense did the Jews expect the Messiah to be the SoG?
The Messiah will be chosen by God, sent by God to do his work and entrusted with power and responsibility by God, AS IF he were a son, acting as God’s representative on Earth
How do the Synoptics present JC as the SoG?
In a way that is much more similar to the traditional Jewish view?
How does the fourth gospel go further than the Synoptics in its presentation as JC as the SoG?
In Mark, JC is adopted as God’s Son when he is baptised. In Matthew and Luke, JC is announced to be God’s Son as soon as he is conceived. In the fourth gospel, JC has been God’s Son since the beginning of the universe
Why does the fourth gospel not bother with a birth narrative or baptism scene?
Because as the pre-existent Logos, Jesus has always been the SoG
What does John 8:14 show?
That JC knows that he is the pre-existent Hellenic Logos
State John 8:14
‘I know where I came from and where I am going. But you have no idea where I came from or where I am going.’
What does John 8:58 show?
That JC is the pre-existent Logos and equal to God
State John 8:58
‘Before Abraham was born, I am!’
Explain Dodd’s interpretation of JC as the Hellenic Logos
He sees JC as on a journey from God to Earth and then from Earth back to God again, and he is taking with him the people of Earth that believe in him - they will be drawn into his spiritual world of eternal life
What can the signs be seen as in this context?
Evidence of JC’s heavenly origin
How do many Christian view the the fourth gospel in relation to the Synoptics?
It ‘makes sense’ of the Synoptics
When had most Churches accepted this high christological view?
By the end of the 2nd century CE
How do these beliefs about JC as the SoG mark a clear break with Judaism?
Because Judaism utterly denies that God can be a human being or a human being can be God
What does holding this high christological view mean for contemporary believers?
It means that believing in JC isn’t about holding an opinion about a long dead prophet, it’s about forming a relationship with a divine being who is still alive today
Make the case that the purpose of the fourth gospel is to present JC as the SoG
- Unlike the Synoptics, JC is openly declared to be the SoG - Nathaniel says it when joining the disciples and Martha says it before Lazarus is resurrected
- JC is recognised as the SoG more often in John
- JC is much more dramatic about stating this in John, especially with his use of the I AM statements
Make the case that the purpose of the fourth gospel is not to present JC as the SoG
- The term doesn’t mean the same thing as it does in the Synoptics
- The Synoptics all share some form of Exaltation Christology, only John views JC as an eternal being