The High Priest questions Jesus and Peter's denials Flashcards
Who is Jesus interrogated by?
Annas, a senior priest
What embarrassing detail of this passage does John leave out?
The disciples running away in fear. John has them simply slip out of the story apart from two, Peter and one other
Why did Peter’s denial likely happen?
- It is attested in all the gospels
- It passes the criterion of embarrassment; Christians would not invent a story that makes their leader look bad
What is the significance of John making Peter say ‘I am not’ when he is asked if he is one of Jesus’ disciples?
Because it is a reversal of the previous I AM statements
Who is believed to be the other disciple that accompanies Jesus into the High Priest’s house?
The beloved disciple, John
What does Jesus do upon being questioned by the High Priest?
He responds by asserting his innocence and drawing attention to the illegality of the whole proceeding
What does John refer to when he makes Jesus say ‘ask those who heard me’?
It refers to the Johannine Community; who know what Jesus said. There is also a reference back to Malchus, as the High Priest cannot hear Jesus either
Why does Jesus being slapped seem out of place in John?
Because he presents Jesus as being in control
What was the slap perhaps a reference to?
The experience of the Johannine Community at the hands of the leaders of their Synagogues before they were expelled
Why does Rivkin think that John is much closer oo the truth than the Synoptics here?
He thinks that Jesus’ trial was a small political affair involving just a few influential people, rather than being a full trial before the Sanhedrin with witnesses, which is what the Synoptics describe
What do the synoptics describe Peter as doing after his denial?
Remembering that his denials were predicted by Jesus and breaking down and wimpering
Why does John’s gospel add none of the touching details about Peter?
Because it is more concerned with the beloved disciple
How is Peter rehabilitated in John 21: 15-17?
Peter meets the resurrected Christ who asks Peter three times if he loves him - the risen Jesus forgives him
Why does John include the rehabilitation of Peter?
It perhaps reflects the Johannine Community developing a more positive view of the other churches founded by Peter
Explain this passage in terms of christology
Jesus’ prediction about Peter comes true, showing that at the very least he is a prophet
Explain this passage in terms of blasphemy
Jesus talks back to the High Priest, showing no respect for his religious status
Explain this passage in terms of Jesus being a threat to power
Jesus undermines the High Priest by questioning the legality of his trial. This provokes violence from those who are conditioned to expect instant and unquestioning obedience
Explain this passage in terms of political expediency
The trial before the authorities is not much of a trial at all; he has been abducted rather than arrested by the authorities - which was illegal even then