The purpose and authorship of the 4th gospel: Life in his name Flashcards
State John 20:31
‘But these things are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and believing this, receive life in his name’
What promise from the prologue does 20:31 fulfil?
'’To those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God’ (John 1:12)
What Greek term best describes the Life that JC is referring to?
Zoe, which is spiritual life, as opposed to mental or physical life
What does Zoe mean?
Eternal life not just in the sense of being everlasting, but also being timeless. This is best described as when we are deeply fulfilled and engaged with living
Why do Christians disagree over the meaning of zoe?
Some focus on the timeless aspect - perhaps because they don’t believe in life after death. Others focus on the eternal part - perhaps because they think Earthly life is supposed to be sad and difficult
How can this new type of life be achieved?
By believing in JC, forming a loving and trusting relationship with him and committing yourself to him
What is the significance of the phrase ‘in his name’?
As the SoG, his name counts as if it was God’s name. This means JC has God’s authority and power. This means that when you act in JC’s name, you receive the zoe life that comes along with it, but this always means living your life in the way JC lived his
Why is acting in JC’s name easier than it first seems?
Because living in his name gives you access to his spiritual strength. JC talks about the paraclete helping believers to act in his name
State John 14: 15-16
‘If you love me, keep my commands, I will ask the Father, and he will give you another paraclete to help you and be with you forever’
What did Christians begin to see the paraclete as in the 2nd century?
The Holy Spirit, which as the power of God at work in the souls of believers, guiding them, strengthening them and answering their prayers
Explain the debate over the Eternal Life the gospel promises
There is a split over whether this is something believers get when they die or whether it is something they receive here and now
What is Dodd’s view on the debate about the nature of eternal life?
He argues that Jesus taught realised eschatology and that this meant that Eternal Life was a timeless experience to be enjoyed in the present
Give a passage from John that points towards Future Eschatology
‘A time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out’ (John 5: 28-29)
How does Dodd counter what is said in John 5: 28-29?
He says that it does not represent the ipsissima verba (actual words) of Christ
What eschatological belief system is held by most Christians?
An idea of inaugurated eschatology, with a tendency to focus more on either realised or future eschatology
Make the case that the purpose of the 4th gospel is to offer readers life in JC’s name
- This purpose is clearly stated in both the Prologue and 20v31
- Life in his name is the main theme of the gospel and JC’s signs and discources signal how to get it - by believing in JC
- JC offers to help of the paraclete to do this
- Brings quality to living that its worth sacrificing comfort
Make the case that the purpose of the 4th gospel is not to offer readers life in JC’s name
- Most ordinary people can’t measure up to imitating Christ in the way they live their lives
- Their is dispute over the nature of the life that it offered. Is it an afterlife or a better experience in this lifetime?