Source, form, redaction etc. Flashcards
Explain how interpreting the Gs from a historical perspective is a problem for scholars
They were written decades after JC died and in different languages to the one JC spoke in. Unlikely that they were written by eyewitnesses. Thus the texts are open to mistranslation, misinterpretation, source issues and theological bias.
Scholars are still unsure on who wrote them, when they were written and to what end
Scholars also don’t know where the Gs got their info from
Why are the sources that they used to gain knowledge so important in terms of the historicity and reliability of the Gs
Because none of the Gs are thought to have been written by actual eyewitnesses
What have biblical scholars done after comparing the differences between the Gs
Come up with a number of theories as to how they were constructed and what these theories would reveal about the bias and intent of the writers should they be true
Explain the term exegesis
Comes from the Greek ‘to draw out’, refers to the detailed analysis and resultant interpretation of scripture
What will an exegesis of an NT passage involve
Will include reference to the context in which it was written, as well as consideration of the symbolism within the text with regard to the readership the writer was writing for. This will enable a scholar to get a full understanding of the passage, which will inform further study
Explain the Synoptic Problem
Refers to the interrelated nature of the first three Gs. The same stories and parables appear in all three, but each author has a slightly different theological slant or reading of the parable, for instance. The relationship between them is clear while John is more divergent
Their structure is largely the same and they share alot of parables and miracles. Why is this the case?
Why do some scholars see the synoptics as being more historically accurate
Because if a story appears multiple times this would seem to make it more likely that it actually happened
Trying to solve the synoptic problem leads to source criticism. What is source criticism
Seeks to identify and detail the sources used by an author of a text
How does Raymond Brown use SC to argue for the Marcan priority
He says that approximately 80% of Marcan content is reproduced in Matthew and 65% in Luke
Why is the theory of Marcan priority useful for scholars if true
It displays through the changes made by the writers of Matthew and Luke what their theological biases and intentions were when writing
Make the case for the Marcan priority being true
The language is more plain and straightforward than Matthew and Luke. This suggests that Mark is earlier and provided the basics which were then eleborated on by Matthew and Luke.
It has been observed that the difference between Matthew/Luke and Mark can be pointed to as having likely roots in historical/political contexts, while the core structure of the gospels remain the same. For instance, both Gs appear to have taken the opening genealogy from Mark and changed it for their own ends
What is the purpose of SC
By looking at texts from the time which are alternative to the Synoptics that could potentially have been used as sources for the sayings or stories within the synoptics, scholars can gain knowledge and form theories regarding why the gospels were written
How is the Synoptic problem and example of SC
Because it deals with the search for the source of these texts via examining their interrelated nature
Why can SC be seen as having its basis in the gospels themselves
Luke 1:1-4 - Talks about how many have tried to draw up an account of JC’s life. The writer himself says that he has examined these sources and will try and write up an orderly account. From this we know that there were other texts and sources referring to JC at the time Luke was written and the L himself referred to them when writing
Explain FC
Attempts to classify and trace parts of scripture back to their original oral/written form, with the aim of discovering the original form of that part and the historical context from which it arose. Key term is German ‘sitz im leben’ meaning ‘in the situation of the story’
Explain RC
The study of how the texts of the bible were arranged, edited or changed from the original by those who compiled the now accepyed order and canon. By comparing the differences between the synoptics, we can find out about the purposes and ideas of those redacting the texts. Focuses on how the author of a text may have edited it to suit their theological goals
What two groups is RC split into?
Higher and lower RC
What is higher RC
The quest to find out to what extent to text is genuine
What is lower RC
The quest towards finding the original wording used to write the text
What is the most common explanation for the Synoptic Problem
The two source theory
Explain the two source theory
Many scholars believe the interrelated nature of the synoptics were caused by the consultation of two sources during the writing of Matthew and Luke. The core events of the texts are incredibly similar, as is the chronological structure of the narrative
These sources are widely believed to be Mark (Marcan Priority) and a hypothetical source termed Q
Explain what this hypothetical Q source is
Seen as a now lost logica text composed of the sayings and actions of JC without a narrative structure. Source to which pieces of both Matthew and Luke are attributed that are not in Mark, but are found in both gospels. The term Q is shorthand and refers to the German word quelle, meaning source
Who is responsible for the most widely accepted form of Q theory
BH Streeter