Prophecies Concerning The Messiah Flashcards
What is a prophecy?
A message inspired by god
How do Jews and Christian’s differ in their beliefs about the messiah
Jews reject the claim that JC is the messiah. Christians argue that JC was a different type of messiah to the one that was expected
What is the debate around prophecies when debating the nt?
Whether they should be understood in the futurist or preterist sense
What does a futurist interpretation mean
The prophecies refer to try future
What does a preterist interpretation mean
That prophecies refer to the present
Why is it wrong to refer to prophecies as predictions abt the future
Because some are msgs about the present
Why are OT prophecies so difficult to interpret?
Because the prophet could either be referring to his own times but readers can later find future events that the prophecy seems to refer to
Give an example from Luke which explains why we cannot understand prophecy as predictions abt the future?
At jc trial his enemies blindfold him, hit him and then ask him to use his prophetic skills to identify who hit him. This would have had nothing to do w a prediction abt the future
Explain the term messiah
Referred to throughout the bible as gods chosen one who will come in the future to set the world right an save gods ppl.
Why had 1st century jews held different ideas abt the messiah
Because of the shear volume of prophecies
Explain the idea of a kingly messiah?
The OT often described the messiah as a king so this is what the jews expected. They thought this king would be from the line of David who would rule fairly and wisely. Some hoped for even more than this, hoping that the messiah would be a kind of warlord who would punish Israel’s enemies - the zealots mostly hoped for this. Some went even further and hoped for a supernatural king who would not only defeat the evil empires of the world but the demons that controlled these empires, thus ending the problem of evil forever
Explain the idea of the priestly messiah
Many saw the 1st century priesthood as corrupt collaborators with the Romans. Many Jews looked forward to a priestly messiah who would restore a more pure state of worship. The essenes seemed to have hoped for this `
Explain the idea of the prophetic messiah
Even though the age of the prophets was thought to be over in the 1st century, many Jews hoped for a great prophet who would guide Israel back to God. Moses had promised another prophet who would help them in troubled times, this seemed relevant now the Jews lived under the pagan rule of the romans. This idea is most relevant to the ordinary people and the pharisees
Explain the idea of the suffering messiah
Refers to Isaiah 53 and the idea that the messiah would die an atoning death
What do Christians often believe about JC in relation to these ideas about the messiah?
That he was all 4
Explain the idea of the messianic age
This is the idea that the messiah would usher in a new age of peace on earth - the scattered Jews would be returned to the promised land and there would be an end to evil and suffering
Why is David so revered in the OT?
Because he ruled over all the tribes of Israel and moved the capital and Ark of the Covenant to Israel so that worship could focus on God. Despite his flaws, he is seen as the best King of Israel
Why was there still a demand for the Son of David even though the House of David was actually one of the longest serving dynasties in history?
- Because it was mostly ruled by bad and weak kings and so they still hoped for someone who truly embodied David’s characteristics to come to the throne
- They were now under the rule of pagan dynasties they felt to be illegitimate. The real King of the Jews was to be from the line of David
How can the line of David link to the problem of evil?
Because if God was omnibenevolent he would have wanted to keep his promise and if he was omnipotent he would have been able to keep his promise
How did the Jews reconcile the fact that they now lived under pagan rule even though God had promised that the house of David would endure forever?
- They thought that because of their sin God had withdrawn this promise to teach them a lesson
- They thought that the promise could still be true as a Son of David could still appear to claim the throne as the kingly messiah. He will be different from the previous davidic king because his rule will be a success and his kingdom will endure forever
What two things did the Jews think they needed to do for the Son of David to appear
- They thought they needed to return to spiritual purity so that God no longer had a reason to punish them. However, the essenes, pharisees and sadducees had different ideas about what actually constituted spiritual purity
- They thought that they needed to engage in military opposition against Roman rule and that once they did this the Son of David would appear to lead it. This idea was popular with the zealots
How do Christians view the idea of the Son of David
After the attempts to set up a Kingdom of God in the physical sense failed, JC, as the Son of David, brings about a spiritual kingdom in people’s hearts and minds instead. JC dies an atoning death rather than conquers his enemies
Make the case that the messiah has to be from the line of David
- God’s promise that the house of David will endure forever must be fulfilled
- The House of David failed because the Jews turned to sin, and the messiah will return the Jews to true faith
Make the case that the messiah does not have to be from the Line of David
- It is not proven that David actually existed and he may have been just a legend. Even if he did exist, he line was likely destroyed by the Babylonians
- JC is a spiritual King who will defeat evil altogether, rather than being a physical king from a failed dynasty
Outline the predictions made by Isaiah
He said that God was using the rival empires to punish the Jews for their sinful ways, predicting military defeat and humiliation. However, he also offered hope by looking forward to a messianic era free of evil and suffering
Explain Isaiah’s suffering servant
He serves God with total selflessness and loyalty. He is given a mission by God to lead the nations of the world. However, the servant is mocked and attacked by the people he was sent to help. He endures this suffering on behalf of everyone else before being murdered. God resurrects this person and the people who mistreated him are stunned and ashamed.
What do Christians think about Isaiah’s suffering servant
That it predicts JC’s atoning death and resurrection
What is the problem with believing Isaiah 53 was a prophecy about the messiah?
The disciples are incredibly shocked and upset when they find out JC is going to die. This suggests that there was no belief about the messiah being a suffering servant who would die an atoning death
How do the Jews interpret Isaiah 53?
They see it as being symbolic of Israel as a whole. It is the Jews who are sent to be a light to the gentiles through their religion. It is the Jews who are suffered and persecuted. They hope that their sufferings will be vindicated and provide a lesson to the rest of the world
Make the case that the suffering servant is supposed to be JC
- The final servant song ends with God promising the suffering servant that his death will lead to the messianic age
- The sufferings of the servant seem to directly mirror the sufferings of JC. Supports the idea of JC dying an atoning death
Make the case that the suffering servant is not JC?
- It represents Israel
- There is no evidence that 1st century Jews held a concept of the suffering messiah. The link was only made after JC’s crucifixion
Explain the idea of the messianic secret
JC frequently makes people promise to keep it a secret when they see JC perform a miracle or realise he is the messiah in Mark
Give two examples of the messianic secret in Mark
- The fact that JC only reveals who he is through parables that cannot be understood at face value
- In Mark 8: 27-30 where JC tells Peter to keep it a secret after he discovers JC is the messiah
State Mark 4:11
‘The secret of the Kingdom of God has been given to you. But for those on the outside everything is said in parables’