The Pharisees Flashcards
Who did the Pharisees oppose?
The Sadducees; they lacked their wealth and political connections, but were much more popular and numerous among the people, especially in areas that were far away from the temple, like Galilee
Why can’t the Pharisees and Sadducees be seen as completely opposed?
The were Pharisees who were priests at the temple and members of the sanhedrin
Describe the ethical code of the Pharisees
They taught a more personal sort of code than the Pharisees. They built up a huge body of rules that went beyond the torah, based on traditions, prophets and philosophising
What parts of life did Pharisee rules cover?
Every area of Jewish life, including eating, washing, work, sex and death
What was the intention behing Pharisee rules?
To provide people with a complete code of living that they could adopt in a pagan world and still remain faithful to their ancient faith
What happened as a result of Pharisees incorporating teachings from beyond the torah?
The movement became somewhat Hellenised. They believed in life after deathand a spirit world inhabited by angels
In what ways were the Pharisees anti-Hellenic?
They believed Judaism provided a complete way of life that was superior to what was offered by the surrounding pagan culture
What happened to the Pharisees after the destruction of the temple?
They gained alot of authority after supporting Kokhbar’s revolt and proclaiming him to be the messiah. They disappered after the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and scattered the Jewish population. Their ideas passed into the Rabbinical Judaism that emerged later
What did Jesus condemn the Pharisees for?
Spiritual pride. Accused them of focusing too much on rule following and not enough on loving God
What does Pharisaical mean contemporarily?
Descrubes someone who is very arrogant and obsessed with imposing petty rules and regulations
Why does Jesus compare the Pharisees to ‘whitewashed tombs’?
They look good on the outside but are full of rot on the outside
What were Pharisees primarily concerned with?
Purity; by following the rules of Phariseeism, they thought Jews could keep themselves ritually pure and ‘clean’
What did Pharisees believe would happen if you broke the rules?
You would become impure
Which groups did the Pharisees avoid?
Women, publicans and the sick
How did Jesus feel about the Pharasaical ideas of purity and impurity?
He rejected them; associated with publicans and women and ministering the sick and the dead. He freely broke rules and Sabbath restrictions
What beliefs did Jesus and the Pharisees have in common?
- Faith was about more than just sticking to the torah and performing animal sacrifices
- That there was life after death
What do some scholars claim that Jesus’ arguements with the Pharisees show?
That he was part of their group. His hostility may even show membership since exaggeration in arguements was part of the Jewish tadition of debate
What shows that Jesus’ relations with the Pharisees was entirely hostile?
His friendship with Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea