week 9 community care of heart failure Flashcards
what are the 5 steps to a safe discharge plan?
provide eduction on symptoms
provide written action plan and when to seek help
promote medicine adherence and ensure pt understanding of medicine plan
orgaise medicl reveiw by health professional within 7 days
emphasis the importance of cardiac rehabilitiaon and physical cativity in the community with chronic disease programs
what are the reccomentation following a meanamgent paln?
medication titration
eduction and slef managment
regular exercise
remote area acess to telemonitoring and support
palliative care
referal to a MDT HF program
what is the point of following a managment plan?
decrease mortality
decrease admissions
increase quality of life
increase physical function
what are the key points of medication managment?
consider- blister packs, reminders/alerts, apps
what are the diet and fluid manamgnet principles?
low sodium diets, learning how to read lables, increasing good heart foods
fluid restirctions
daily weights and charts
onitoring odema
taking action if changes in 2kg per day - call doctor, nurse, healthcare worker
what are the physcial activity guides for heart failure?
30 mins light-moderate most days of the week
resitencetraining 2-3 times per week on non consecutive days
warm ups, cool downs, streching, balance
focus on - selfmanagment, setting up good habits, monitoring saftey, fatigue managment and pacing
what services are availble for cardiac managment?
assessment - my age care - home care packages, aged care assesment services, regonal assesment packges
community care- personal care assistence, home help, shopping
healthcare network led - complex care programs, chronic disease manamgent programs
GP led- enhanced primary care, mental health care plans