week 9 - classification of heart failure Flashcards
what are the different classifications of heart failure?
1- cardiac disease - no symptoms and no limation in ordinary physical activity
2- mild symptoms and slight limitation during ordinary acivity
3- significant limitation in activity due to symptoms - comofratble only at rest
4- sevre limitation - symptoms even while at rest
what are some early red flas for referal to a cardiologist?
ischemic chest pain, syncope, orthopenea
tachycardia, bradycardia, hypertension, hypoxemia, heart murmer
what are some investigations that might indicate a red flag and early referal to a cardiologist?
ischemia on a 12 lead
pulmonary odeam on xray
raised tropnins
LVEF less 40%
ischemaia on stress testing
what is the treatments for class one failure?
risk factor reduction, pt and family education
treat hypertension, diabetes, ACE inhibitors or ARBS
what is the treatment in the second part of stage one where there are still no symptoms?
ace inhibitors, arbs or beta bloackers
what are the treatments for stage 2 - where there is disaes and current or previos symtoms
ace inhibitors and beta blockers
dietary sodium restirction, diuretics, digoxin
what is the treatment options for stage 3?
cardiac resyncronisation, revascularisation, mitral valve surgury, multidiciplinary team, aldosterone agonist,
what to do in 4th stage where special intervention is required?
inotropes, VAD, stransplants, palliatve care
what are the common causes of acute decompensation in heart failure?
increased symapthetic drive
acute renal falire
what medications can exacerate heart failure?
centrally acting calium blockers
tryciclic antidepresents
beat bloakcers - if unstable/unsutable