Week 7 - E - Breast Imaging - Indications, Mammography (types/views/BIRADS Parenchymal pattern), Ultrasound & MRI Flashcards
Where does the bed of the female breast extend from? What is the extension of the breast towards the axilla known as?
The bed of the breast extends from ribs 2to6 form the lateral sternal border to the mid axillary line The extension towards the axilla is known as the axillary tail of spence
What is the purpose of the breast?
The breast serves as a mammary gland in females - it is believed to be a modified sweat gland Mammary gland means milk producing gland
Does everyone with a breast problem need a breast imaging test? Answer? No! When is imaging needed for a breast problem?
For either symptomatic patients - ie presenting with: * A lump * Unilateral or blood stained nipple discharge * Skin tethering or dimpling * Signs of inflammation * Axillary lumps And when screening is being carried out
What symptoms would imaging not normally be carried out for?
NOT for pain; tenderness; symmetrical nodularity! in the absence of the other symptoms
What is the key priniciple of examination used in patients presenting with a lump? What are the different aspects?
This would be to carry out a triple assessment of the breast Clinical - history and examination Imaging - Mammogram or Ultrasound Pathology - Histology (looks at tissues) or cytology (looks at cells)
What are the different methods of obtaining cytology and histology samples?
- Fine needle aspiration - 3. Nipple discharge 2. Nipple scrapes -4. Fluid Histology -
- * Needle core biopsy - Vacuum assisted biopsy
- * Skin biopsy - Incisional biopsy of mass
Therapeutic -
- * Excsiional biopsy of mass -
- * Resection of cancer - wide local excision or mastectomy
When the samples of the breast are taken for histopathology or cytopathology, what is the grading given?
- Cytology -
- C1 - unsatisfactory
- * C2 - benign
- * C3 - atypical, probably benign
- * C4 - suspicious of malignancy
- * C5 - malignant
- Histology -
- B1 - unsatisfactory/normal
- * B2 - benign
- * B3 - atypia, probably benign
- * B4 - suspicious of malignancy
- * B5 - malignant
The approach to imaging is age dependent and symptoms dependent Is imaging usually carried out for pain? If there is a mass which imaging modality is chosed?
If there is pain, imaging is not carried out unless focal/asymmetrical nodularity to exclude an underlying mass If the patient is below 35 years of age - ultrasound is carried out If the pattent is above 35 years of age - Mammogram is typically first line but ultrasound may also be used
What are the three main imaging modalities used in breast cancer?
Mammorgraphy Ultrasound and Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
What is the imaging technique that reliably visualises microcalcifications of <0.5mm? What is the only population based screening method shown to reduce mortality?
This would be mammography The only population based screening method shown to reduce mortality is mammorgraphy
What is mammorgraphy?
This is a low dose xray designed specifically to maximise contrast between breast tissues whilst minimising ionising radiation dose
Why is mammography used so often?
It is the most cost effective non-invasive breast examination that is reproducible and easy to document It also is the only technique to reliable visualise microcalcifications of less than o.5mm
Define mamorgraphy again? What are the two different types of mammography?
Mammography is a low dose xray designed specifically to maximise contrast between breast tissues whilst minimising ionising radiation dose Two types Film/screen mammography (conventional) Digital mammography (Full field digitial mamography - FFDM)
What are the advantages of digital mammography (full field digital mammography FFDM) over film/screen based mammography?
The digital mammograpy offers better contrast between dense and non-dense tissues and is therefore better in young woman It is also quicker at carrying out than conventional mamography and there are few repeats, films &easier image storage
Can see the better contrast between dense and non dense tissues in the digital mammography than in the film/screen mammography What is the difference between screening and diagnosis when using mammorgaphy?
Screening is performed with asymptomatic individuals with women at regular intervals with the aim of detecting clinically occult breast cancer at an early stage Diagnosis - this is when symptomatic patients come and mammorgaphy is carried out to demonstrate IF any abnormality AND the nature of the abnormality