Week 4 - G - Urinary Incontinence, Pelvic organ prolapse and Uterovaginal prolapse Flashcards
Urinary incontinence can be urethral or extraurethral Urethral incontinence can be due * Urethral sphincter incompetence * Detrusor instability * Retention with overflow * Functional What are the two causes of extraurethral incontinence?
Urethral incontinence can be due * Urethral sphincter incompetence * Detrusor instability * Retention with overflow * Functional
Extraurethral incontinence: * Congenital * Fistula

What are the different types of urinary incontinence?
Stress incontinence Urge incontinence Mixed incontinence Overflow incontinence
An overactive bladder mainly presents as which type of incontinence? It can cause both stress and urge incontinence What are the symptoms of an overactive bladder?
Overactive bladder presents mainly as urge urinary incontinence The symptoms of an overactive bladder are: * Urgency * Frequency * Nocturia Basically the same as urge incontinence

What is the prevalence of men and women with urinary incontinence?
1in3 women have urinary incontinence 1in10 men have urinary incontinence
Why are woman more likely to have stress urinary incontinence?
Pregnancy Childbirth Menopause Short urethra
What are other risk factors for urinary incontinence?
Age - as you get older the strength of muscles in the bladder and urethra decrease Obesity Smoking Family history Chronic cough
Definitions * the complaint of any involuntary leakage of urine? * involuntary leakage on effort or exertion, or on sneezing or coughing.? * involuntary leakage accompanied by, or immediately preceded by urgency. ? * The complaint of having to wake at night one or more times to void.
* The complaint of any involuntary leakage of urine - URINARY INCONTINENCE (UI) * Involuntary leakage on effort or exertion, or on sneezing or coughing - STRESS URINARY INCONTINENCE (SUI) * Involuntary leakage accompanied by or immediately preceded by urgency - URGE URINARY INCONTINENCE (UUI) * The complaint of having to wake at night one or more times to void - NOCTURIA
Urgency, with or without urge urinary incontinence, usually with frequency and nocturia in the absence of pathologic or metabolic conditions that might explain these symptoms What is this?
This is overactive bladder syndrome
What is overactive bladder syndrome (OAB) wet and OAB dry?
OAB wet - this is where there is an overactive bladder (having an urgency to urinate, usually accompanied by frequency or nocturia) with urge incontinence (involuntary leakage accompained by or preceded by urgency) OAB dry - this where there is an overactive bladder without urge incontinence
Urge incontinence - Typically preceded by an urge to void, and can involve a trigger such as running water, opening a door, removing undergarments. Define mixed urinary incontinence?
Involuntary urinary leakage associated with urgency and also with exertion, sneezing or coughing
When a patient presents with incontinence it is important to categorise which type it is - can this be done purely from a history? How long should you ask the patinet to start on a bladder diary for?
NICE guidelines says the type of urgency can be determined from a good clinical history Ask patient to keep a diary of micturition for 3 days
If someone has a constant leak, what do you think this may be? If the patient presents with mixed urinary incontinence, what should be treated first?

If someone has a constant leak, thin fistula or congenital abnormality If the patient presents with MUI, important to treat the overactive bladder as this can be made worse by operations for stress urinary incontinence
On examination of the patient presenting with urinary incontinence, what is looked at? (4 examinations)
* Abdo exam - looking for pelvic masses * Vaginal exam - atrophy, prolapse, SUI (ask patinet to cough), fistula * PR exam - masses, tone (this is for overflow incontinence in men * Cognitive impairment examination
An overactive bladder can have a huge impact on the patients quality of life: Pshycologically Socially Sexually Domestically Occupationally Physically How can it affect all these areas? IMportant to ask in an incontinence history
Psychologically people may feel embarrassed about the leaking and smell of urine, others may feel guilt and become depressed Socially - OAB may restrict social interaction due to fear of leakege Sexually - Women may avoid sex due to fear of urine leakage DOmestically- costs money to buy loads of pads Occupationally - can impact quality of work Physically - physical exercise may be reduced - fear
What are the areas to ask about in how urinary incontinence affects the quality of the persons life again?
* Psychologically * Sexually * Domestically * Occupationally * Physically * Socially

It is important to differentiate OAB with UUI from OAB with SUI Remember it can be mixed Describe OAB with UUI? Describe OAB with SUI?
OAB with UUI - the women has an urge frequently to go to the toilet but not quite there yet but then has involuntary leaking of the bladder accompanied or preceded by urgency OAB with SUI - women has urge to urinate but not quite there yet, then upon eg exertion, coughing or sneezing, is incontinent
In SUI, the sphincter cant maintain the shut position when the intra-abdominal pressure raises What can urethral sphincter weakness be due to in women?
Can be due to: Trauma - eg pregnancy Hypooestroegnism - menopause Aging Surgical procedures
What is associated with 50% of all SUI? Felt on vaginal examintion Remember, BMI, Abdo, Vaginal, PR and cognitive
This would be a vaginal prolapse
How can you test for SUI on the physical examaintion?
Ask the women to stand or lie supine and ask them to cough - if urine is leaked this can show SUI
What are the exercises that may be useful to teach upon physical examaintion to help treat vaginal prolapse and prevent uterine prolaspe? (this exercise essentially strengthens the pelvic floor)
Kegel exercise - The many actions performed by Kegel muscles include holding in urine and avoiding defecation. Reproducing this type of muscle action can strengthen the Kegel muscles. (the Kegel muscles mean the muscles that make up the levator ani - puborectalis, pubococcygeus, iliococcygeus)
What are the two important conditions to rule out in a patient presenting with urinary incontinence?
Rule out UTI (dipstick test) and rule out diabetes (fasting glucose)
What investigations can be carried out in people with urinary incontinence?
Stress test - standing (cough) or supine (valsalva manoevure) Post voidal residual volume -can use USS for this Urodynamics - Can help to differentiate types of incontinence if unclear, especially if results of less invasive tests are inconclusive. Cystocoscopy - rarely done but if recurrent constant urine infections
What is the post voidal residual volume measurement that is abnormal?
PVR Normal: age dependent (10-80mls) Abnormal: > 100-150mls Indicator of urinary retention - use catheter to drain the urine left in the bladder after voiding
How many voids per day is seen as frequent?
Greater than 8 voids per day on the bladder diary is seen as frequent in an adult
What are some lifestyle interventions? How long are pelvic floor exercises carried out if SUI symptoms? How long is bladder drills (training) carried out? - this is to increase time between voiding

Do not drink caffeine as it is a mild diuretic and stimulates detrusor activity, monitor fluid intake and lose weight Pelvic floor exercises are carried out 8 contractions, 3times daily for 3 months Bladder drills are carried out for 6 weeks to try help increase the time between voiding
Bladder retraining - min 6/52, aiming to increase bladder capacity and decrease frequency - useful in both SUI and UUI What BMI merits an attempt of weight reduction in a patinet with incontinence?
Weight reduction if BMI >30
Pelvic floor muscle exercises (PFME) are effective in stress incontinence and mixed urinary incontinence but insufficient evidence to assess their efficacy in urge incontinence. May have a role when combined with bladder retraining Minimum 3 months supervised trial of PFME training What drug is given in the pharmacological treatment of stress urinary incontinence? What type of drug is it?
For SUI - duloxetine or pseudoephedrine Duloxetine is a serotonin noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor (SNRIs - used in depression treatment) and can be given as an alternative to surgery in SUI
After lifestyle changes and bladder training, what are the 1st line pharmacological treatment for overactive bladder? (or urge urinary incontinence)
1st line would be an antimuscarinc - eg oxybutynin or tolterodine Competitively antagonises M1,M2,M3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors
What effects do the antimuscarincs have?
They reduce intra-vesical pressure Increase threshold for micturition INcrease compliance
What are the anti-muscarinic side effects?
Side effects include Constipation, dry mouth, somnolence (makes you drowsy) blurred vision
If the 1st line therapy of anti-muscarinics eg oxybutynin or tolterdoine fails, what is the 2nd line pharmacological therapy?
This would be Mirabegron, a beta-3-adrenoceptor agonist - relaxes bladder smooth muscle through activation of the B3 adrenoreceptor

Mirabegron is recommended as an option for treating the symptoms of overactive bladder only for people in whom antimuscarinic drugs are contraindicated or clinically ineffective, or have unacceptable side effects Nice guldines - 2013/15 What is 1st and 2nd line drugs for people with OAB or mixed UI?
1st line - antimuscarinic - oxybutynin or tolterodine 2nd line - beta-3-adrenorecptor agonsit - mirabegron
If the 1st and 2nd line drugs fail in the treatment of OAB or UUI or mixed UI, what injection is occasionally given?
Botulimin toxin (Botox)
What are the indications for urodynamics?
Uncertain diagnosis Failure to respond to treatment
What causes overflow incontincne? What investigation must you carry out? What drugs should be stopped?
Obstruction of urethra or poor contractility of bladder muscle Carry out PR exam (male) and always Post voiding residual (PVR) volume Stop anti-cholinergics as these delay voiding
In SUI After trying - Lifestyle (loose weight, stop smoking, avoid caffeinated drinks, avoid excessive fluid intake) - Physiotherapy: pelvic floor muscle retraining, biofeedback, electrical stimulation, pessaries - Drugs: Duloexetine : combined noradrenaline and serotonin reuptake inhibitor (increase intraurethral closure pressure) What surgical procedures can be attempted?
Colosuspension - the Retropubic colposuspension (Burch colposuspension) stabilises the anterior vaginal wall, bladder neck, and proximal urethra in a retropubic position. This prevents their descent and allows for urethral compression against a stable suburethral layer. Colosuspension has largely been replaced by tension fre vaginal tapes - TVT
- Urgency?
- Frequency with urgency? (greater than 8times/24hours)
- Leaking during physical activity? (coughing, sneezing, lifting)
- Amount of urinary leakage?
- Difficult to reach toilet in time following the urge to void?
- Waling to pass urine at night?

There are 3 compartments of a pelvic organ prolapse: Anterior Middle or apical Posterior How common is pelvic organ prolapse in parous women? A prolapse occurs when weakness of the supporting structures allows the pelvic organs to sag within the vagina
Up to 50% of parous women experience a pelvic organ prolapse
What are the classifications of a uterovaginal prolapse? (this differs from the other pelvic organ prolapse)
1st degree - slippage of cervix slightly further into the vagina 2nd degree - at introitus 3rd degree - uterus lies outside the vagina Uterine procidentia - the uterus is completely outside of the vagina
Name the symptoms of an anterior prolapse? What is the usual cause of an anterior pelvic organ prolapse?
Bulging, pressure/mass, difficulty voiding and incomplete emptying, difficulty inserting tampon and pain with intercouse Usual cause of an anterior prolapse is a cystocele
The symptoms of a middle/apical (also known as vaginal vault) prolaspe are the same as an anterior prolaspe What is this type of prolapse known as?
This is an enterocele - happens when the small intestine prolapses into the pouch of douglas (rectouterine pouch)

What compartment is a rectocele? What are the symptoms?
Difficulty defecating, bulging, pressure, diffculty inserting tampon Rectocele is a posterior compartment

Clincial evaluation of pelvic organ prolapse Take a good history - pressure, dragging Urinary symptoms Bowel symptoms Sexual dysfunction What is the measurement system used for pelvic organ prolapse?
POP-Q - pelvic organ prolapse quantification system
What is the conservative management of a pelvic organ prolapse?
Reassure Avoid heavy lifting, losse weight, stop smoking, reduce constipation Only give vaginal oestrogens if atrophic vaginits
What are the prolapse treatment option?
Imrpove muscle tone with exercise and physiotherapy Pessary - when surgey isnt an option currently - usually only temporary or in the frail Surgery - of which there are many different types
In the management of pelvic organ prolapse, who are pessaries offered to?
Women who are unfit for surgery Women who are awaiting surgery Women with further pregnancies planned Patient request
Surgery is usually the best treatment option for uterovaginal prolapse if physiotherapy doesnt work What is the usual surgery carried out?
Vaginal hysterectomy to remove uterus Sacrospinous fixation of uterus - used in uterovaginal/vaginal vault prolapse
In women with a previous hysterectomy or who have undergone hysterectomy, what may be used to treat the vaginal vault prolapse?
Sacrocolpopexy - Sacrocolpopexy can be done abdominally, laparoscopically, or robotically. Synthetic mesh is fixed to the anterior and posterior vagina and attached to the anterior longitudinal ligament to resuspend the vaginal apex.