Week 2 - H - SRH clinic, Partner notification, Infection prevention, gender based violence Flashcards
“A mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality or person”
“A process of devaluation”
WHat are these two statements defining?
These are the definitions of stigma
What is a GUM clinic?
This is a genitourinary medicine clinic - offers advice and and information regarding sexual health
What is the difference between fraser guidelines and gillick competency?
Fraser guidelines - specifically relate only to contraception and sexual health in someone who is under the age of 16
Gillick competence - this governs the medical law regarding whether a child under 16 has the capacity to consent to his or her own medical treatment without parental permission or knowledge
Is fraser guidelines a branch of gillick competence or vice versa?
As fraser guidelines relates only to contraception and sexual health for a child under the age of 16, it is a sub catgeory (branch) of gillick competence
Sexual and reproductive health (SRH) clinics (aka GUM clinics) have a variety of roles
- Diagnosis and management of STIs
- Partner notification
- Genital dermatology
- Contraception
- Community gynaecology
- Menopause
- Psychosexual counselling
What is the benefit of partner notification?
It allows the partener to be treated for the STI and prevent possible complications and prevents the further passing on of the STI
It also means we can trace back along the sex line to treat further people who may be infected with the STI
When carrying out partner notification, there are different look back periods for how far along the partner timelines you look back depending upon the infection
How long is the look back period for chlamydia? (for urethral, pharngeal, cervical, rectal)
Male urethral chalmydia - look back period is 4 weeks
Anything else is 6 months look back period
How long is the look back period for gonorrhea?
For urethral gonorrhoea - look back period is 2 weeks
Any other gonorrhoea infection is 3 months
How long is the look back period for primary and secondary syphilis?
How long after exposure to syphilis do the primary and secondary symptoms present?
Primary syphilis - look back period is 90 days
Secondary period - look back period is 2 years
Primary syphilis chancre usually appears 3 weeks post exposure and lasts up to a further 6 weeks
Secondary syphilis appears a few weeks after chancre appears- around 6 weeks from exposure
Why is partner notification not required for bacterial vaginosis or vaginal thrush?
Or herpes?
Not required as these are not really sexually transmitted
Herpes will be symptomatic in a person so a person will know they have been infected
There are different methods of partner notification
Patient referral
Provider referral
Provisional referral
What do these mean?
- Patient referral - ask the patient if they are happy to tell the partner about their diagnosis
- Provider referral - ask the patient if they wish for clinician can tell the partner about their diagnosis (ie confidentialty is maintained)
- Provisional referral - ask the patient if they will tell the partner, if the partner doesnt present to the clinic within the next couple of weeks, then clinician phones up partner
The Hepatitis B vaccine is currently available to groups who are at high risk of the disease
What group is at high risk of the disease
It is also now part of the immunisations in children
At what weeks is this given?
Given to men who have sex with men
It is given at 8,12 and 16 weeks of age as part of a 6in1 vaccine for children
What are the list of vaccines in the 6 in 1 vaccines for kids?
- Diphtheria
- Tetanus
- Pertussis (whooping cough)
- Polio
- Haemophilus influenza B
- Hepatitis B
What age groups are the HPV vaccine available to?
What HPV strands does it protect against?
Available to girls and boys aged 11-13 years
All MSM attending SRH or HIV clinics aged 45 and below
Protects against HPV strands 6,11,16,18
What is PReP and PEP?
PReP - pre exposure prophylaxis
PEP - post exposure prophylaxis
Given in terms of HIV
What is the name of the medication given as PReP in HIV?
What is the medication a combination of?
What does it reduce the chance of HIV by?
The medication is known as Truvada
It is a combo of two nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
Reduces HIV incidence by 86%
Usually given when you have a partner who is HIV positive and you are HIV negative
What are the PEPSE (post exposure prophylaxis sexual exposure) regimes?
How long do you have to give these treatments?
HBV - hep B vaccine given up to 7 days post exposure
Start 3 antiretroviral treatments within 72 hours of exposure to HIV and continue for 28 days
After 72 hours HIV have infected the CD4+ T helper lymphocytes and there is widespread replication and dissemination of the virus
What is rape defined as?
Penetration of the mouth, anus or vagina with a penis without consent
What vaccines are considered post rape?
HBV vaccine and PEPSE just in case the rapist had hepatitis B or HIV infection
What is indicated in the medium to long term care of someone who has experienced a rape incident?
- STI screening
- PTSD counselling
- Vaccines - HBV or PEPSE
- Practical and psychosocial support
What is gender based violcence?
What gender usually commits the violence?
Gender based violence is usually violence, committed by men, towards women or children - usually due to unequal power in relationships
Give some examples of gender based violence?
Domestic abuse
Rape and sexual assault
Childhood sexual abuse
Give the main risk factor for gender based violence?
What are other risk factors?
Main risk factor is being the female sex
Others include, disability, pregnancy, addictions (and HIV)
Within sexual health clinics, everyone will be asked directly about gender based violence
(need to ask when taking a sexual history or can legit fail your osce)
How can the question about GBV be raised?
Ask about if the patient feels safe currently with their partner?
If their is any violence around the children?
Peoples confidentiality is outweighed by protection of the children