Week 2 - G - Quick start contraception, UNplanned pregnancy & Emergency contraception Flashcards
In patients requesting the start of new contraception, there is the quick start algorithim Quick start contraception - be it pogesterone only pilll, implant, injection, IUS or COCPor copper IUD - when must the first day of the last menstrual period have been to immediately start the contraception?
First day of LMP to have been within the last 5 days
If the day of the unprotected sexual intercourse was in the past 5 days, what can be given as treatment?
Can give emergency contraception Be it levenogestrel (Levonelle - can only be given up to 72 hours), ulipristal acetate (UPA - EllaOne) or The Copper IUD
If the patient has had unprotected sex and the first day of LMP was greater than 7 days ago, are they allowed to be started on quick start contraception?
If the pregnancy test is negative then yes - re do a pregnancy test in 2 weeks however
If the patient takes emergency contraception if the last sexual intercourse was 5 days prior When can they start on contraception? (for both UPA and Levenogestrel) How long should backup contraception be used for in each?
Levenogestrel Can start the contraception (pill, implant, , IUS) today and use backup contrception fot 7 days, if POP then 2 days and if depot then 9 days UPA Start the contraception in 5days and use backup contraception for 12 days (7days for POP and 9days for depot)
For all methods of quick start contraception, if the contraception is started when the patient requests it to be immediately, when is the pregnancy test re-carried out ? (either patient has no had unprotected sex or the urine pregnancy test is negative)
Pregnancy test should be carried out again 2 weeks after starting the contraception if there was unprotected sexual intercourse after LMP that had the first day more than 7 days prior
According to WHO, how many unplanned pregnancies are had every year?
80 million unplanned pregnancies annually
What are the options when having an unplanned pregnancy?
a) continue with the pregnancy and keep the baby b) end the pregnancy by having an abortion c) continue with the pregnancy and give up for adoption
What is the most commonly performed gynaeocological procedure in the UK?
Termination of pregnancy is the most commonly performed gynaecological procedure in the UK
What socioeconomic status has a high link with termination of pregnancy?
Social deprivation has a high link with the TOP
Abortion is a safe procedure Major complications and mortality are rare In Scotland almost all abortions take place in NHS hospitals WHy is there no data regarding abortions that took place before 1967?
This was because abortions were illegal before the introduction of the 1967 Abortion Act
What area of scotland has the highest abortion rates? (same are that has the greatest rates of chlamydia in males and females)
What are the grounds under which an abortion can take place?
An abortion can only take place if two registered medical practitioners are of the opinion, in good faith, that an abortion is justified by the terms of the Act And Only a registered medical practitioner can terminate the pregnancy
What are the three different legal forms involved with an abortion? One of them has to be signed in any case of an abortion
What is the difference between the three forms? (which form is for emergency abortion and how long do you have to
HSA1 - two doctors are required to sign this form HSA2 - to be completed by the doctor within 24 hours of the emergency abortion HSA4 - must be completed by the doctor and sent to the chief medical officer (CMO) within 7 days of the abortion taking place
What is the most common grounds of termination?

C - pregnancy has not exceeded its 24 weeks and continuation of pregnancy would involve risks, greater than if terminated, of injury to physical or mental health of pregnant women
There are different aspects to assess when granting an abortion What are some ethical aspects?
If the patient is below 16 If the patient has a learning disability Domestic abuse Patient confidentiality
If the patient is under 16, what must be assessed?
Gillock competence of the patient must be assessed if the patient is under 16 years of age
Doctors have right to ‘opt out’ of certain procedures because of personal beliefs/values provided (GMC) Abortion Act - ‘no person shall be under any duty…to participate in any treatment authorised by this Act to which he/she has a conscientious objection’ If the doctor conscientiously objects to the abortion process, what must they do?
They must explain their religious or moral beliefs to the patient as there reason for objecting and they must ensure that arrangements are made for the patient to see another doctor
Important points Respect patient’s dignity and views; avoid discrimination Must not impose views on others but may explain views to patient if invited Ensure patient’s treatment is not denied or delayed Timely onward referral to a colleague Can a conscientious objecting doctor deny treatment in the event of an emergency to do with the abortion?
Treatment in the event of an emergency may not not be denied on grounds of conscientious objection – ie if there is a haemorrhage you must deal with this complication regardless of your objection
In the intial termination of pregnancy appointment, what is important to learn from the history? What test should initially be carried out also? How long do you have for the termination of pregnancy consultation?
First thing done when a woman comes for a TOP, is do a pregnancy test and the consult to find out how she got pregnant and why she doesn’t want to keep it Have one hour to carry out the TOP consultation
Why is an USS carried out in the TOP consultation?
This determines the intrauterine position of the pregnancy Also allows you to estimate the gestation period and that it is not an ectopic pregnancy
If a patient presents requesting a termination of pregnancy, when should referral to treatment be done and when should pregnancy be terminated within?
If she decides this is what she wants to do, the referral process should be a max of 2 weeks, from the time of presentation to the first consultation – the pregnancy should be terminated within 3 weeks
What type of consent is required in a termination of pregnancy?
Written consent is required for the procedure and for foetal remains
These are assessed prior to the termiantion of pregnancy Bloods obtained (FBC/G&S +/-BBV) Optional screening for STI Counselling re: ongoing contraception What does G&S stand for in the bloods test?
G&S is for testing the blood group and screening for rhesus negative blood group patients
What prophylactic antibiotic is offered post termination of pregnancy? especially if the patient is undergoing a surgical procedure
Prophylactic antibiotic offered would be metronidazole
What is the TOP of pregnancy deadline for social reasons? How long can it be continued if there is a foetal anomaly that could cause harm to it or the mother?
23 weeks and 6 days is when an abortion is allowed to be carried out until If there is a problem with the pregnancy that warrants an abortion, this can be carried out at any point in gestation
What are the two methods of termination of pregnancy?
Medical method and surgical method
What classifies as an early, late and mid trimester abortion?
Early abortion - less than 9 weeks gestation Late abortion - 9-12 weeks gestation Mid-trimester abortion - 12-24 weeks gestation
The medicational termination of pregnancy can be carried out up until 24 weeks of pregnancy When is it no longer carried out in Tayside and patients will have to relocate to england?
No longer carried out in Tayside after 18 weeks and 6 days
What are the medications given for medical abortion? (what type of drug are these medications) At what gestation period does the medication given change?
Oral mifepristone - anti-progesterone
Vaginal or oral misoprostolol (Prostoglandin)
Before 9 weeks
- * Single dose of oral mifepristone given
- * 24-48 hours later - single dose of misoprostolol given
After 9 weeks
- * Single dose of mifepristone given
- * Multiple doses of misoprostolol are required
The medical TOP Consists of two pills, one called mifepristone blocking the production of progesterone. This means the lining of the uterus breaks down and the pregnancy cannot continue. The second is misoprostol makes the womb contract. – the pills are taken differently dependent on whether before 9 weeks or not How often is the prostoglandin given if after 9 weeks? What is the max amount of doses in one day?
The doses of prostoglandin are given 3 hourly with a max of 5 doses in a 24 hour period
What are the two methods of surgical termination? When are they able to be carried out until? How long does scotland allow for the surgical procedure?
Can try vacuum aspiration from 6-12 weeks or Dilatation and evacuation available from 13 - 24 weeks
Scotland only carries out the vacuum aspiration, after 12 weeks would have to go to England for surgical abortion
The surgical TOP is usually a day case Once the pregnancy is removed, what is recommended to be inserted?
It is recommended that a long acting reversible contraception is put inplace - IUS or IUD
What is given to prime the vagina before the surgery takes place?
Vaginal prostoglandin is given - misoprostolol
Electrical or manual vaccuum aspiration is usually carried out up until 12 weeks WHat is the anaesthetic used in both?
Local anaesthetic used in manual vaccum aspiration - can be carried out up until 9 weeks General anaesthetic used in electrical vaccuum aspiration - carried out up until 12 weeks
What are the complications of a termination of pregnancy? (surgical procedure)
Risk of uterine perforation - 4in 1000 Haemorrhage Infection Pain Incomplete/failed procedure
Is surgical or medical TOP more successful? Which causes more pain and heavy bleeding usually?
Surgical is 99% successful Medical is 97% successful Medical TOP causes more pain and heavy bleeding than surgical
How long after the TOP is a urine pregnancy test carried out to ensure the procedure was successful? (why is a low sensitivity test used) What HCG does a normal pregnancy test pick up?
A urine pregnancy test is carried out 2-3 weeks post TOP procedure Low sensitivity test is used as just checking to make sure the HCG levels are below 1000 Normal sensitivity test picks up HCG levels of 25units

The blood group status of the women is also checked Check blood group for rhesus status – women who are rehesus negative require anti-D How long is had to adminster the anti-D immunoglobulin to prevent sensitisation?
72 hours to administer injection Sensitisiation only occurs wheen the mother has been exposed to a child rhesus positive blood and therefore forms antibodies that recognise the foreign cells - this therefore means on next exposure (ie a second child), if exposed to blood the antbodies then attack the next baby upon exposureThe aim of Anti-D is to stop the antibodies forming in the first place
Regarding contraception post abortion All methods should be available and initiated on-site prior to discharge What is the preferred contraception taken post-abortion?
The preferred method is a LARC
What are the range of emotions that may be experienced that can require counselling post abortion?
May have feelings of guilt, sadness, loss or depression
Emergency contraception can be used after an episode of unprotected sexual intecourse - it does not replace regular contrception How many COC must be missed during UPSI before giving emergency contraception?
Must have missed pills for greater than 48 hours (2 pills) and then had UPSI to be given emergency contraception
What is the fertile time during a pregnancy cycle? (Add up how long egg and sperm survive separately)
Fertile time is 5 days (length of time sperm survives in the genital tract) + 24 hours (time ovum survives for) which means = 6 days of fertile time
When can emergency contraception be given again?
It can be given up to 5 days after unprotected sexual intercourse or up to 5 days post ovulation
What are the three methods currently available for emergency contraception? When can they be used following UPSI? What is the most reliable method?
Most reliable method copper IUD - can be used 5 days post UPSI or 5 days after earliest expcected date of ovulation
- Levenogestrel (LNG) - used up to 72 hours post
- UPSI Ulipristal acetate (UPA) - used up to 120 hours post UPSI
How do UPA and LNG work?
UPA-EG is an anti-progesterone contraception LNG - this is a high dose progesterone contraceptive They both delay ovulation - progesterone has a negative feedback on hypothalamus and anterior pituitary meaning ovulation wont occur as no LH suurge (hoepfully sperm will die) The antiprogestogen - egg cant implant
Both delay ovulation What is more expensive between levongesterel and ulipristal acetate? How effective are they across the time they can be taken?
UPA is more expensive 3fold UPA is 85% if taken at any point over 5 days Levenogestrel is 85% effective if taken wihin 24 hours and efficacy decreases to 58%
When do both LNG and UPA work up until?
LNG works up until the just before the LH surge
UPA works up until the peak of the LH surge
Neither works after ovulation

It would seem obvious to use UPA as the emergency contraception instead of levenogestrel When should UPA be avoided?
If the patient wishes to start on quick start contraception If hormonal contraception has been used within the past 7 days If the patient has severe asthma uncontrolled by oral steroids then avoid UPA
How long must patient wait after taking the UPA to quick start on contraception?
Patient must wait five days before quick starting
Copper IUD Should be offered to all eligible women requesting EC
- 10 x more effective than oral EC!!
- How does it work?
It is toxic to the sperm and ovum and prevents implantation

Why can the copper coil only be given up until 5 days post ovulation?
Because the egg can implant at 6 days at earliest and therefore is unethical to give the copper coil after this as it could in theory kill the fertilised egg
A pregnancy doesn’t implant during the first 5 days post fertilisation 84% implant at 8-10 days post fertilisation Earliest likely is at 6 days Hence Cu IUD can be fitted up to 5 days post UPSI OR after 5 days after likely ovulation How long after taking LNG or UPA can contraception be restarted?
LNG Can start immediately but take additional contraception (barrier) for 7 days post emergency contraception UPA Start 5 days post emergency contraception, take additional contraception (barrier methods) for 12 days post emergency contraception
In an emergency consultation consultation, what questions should be asked?
Date and time of UPSI - Previous episodes during this cycle - Previous emergency contraception - Normal menstrual cycle length and LMP Medical and drug history - any contraindications Contraception - current and future STI risk & screening

State again what the contraindications to giving ulipristal acetate as emergency contraception are?
* If the patient is wishing to quick start contraception - must wait 5 days * If the patient has used hormonal contraception within the last 7 days * If the patient has severe uncontrolled asthma by oral steroids Or * if the patient is breast feeding or on any liver enzyme inducers