Week 3 - C - Antenatal care and screening in pregnancy (Down's screening & Pre-eclampsia prophylaxis also) Flashcards
The mothers health takes priority – so if the clinician has to end a pregnancy to save the mothers life that is what they will do
How many ultrasound scan are carried out in a non-complicated pregnancy and at what weeks?
2 ultrasound scans are carried out in a non-complicated pregnancy
The first occurs around 8-14 weeks - usually at week 12 (end of the first trimester)
The second scan occurs around week 18-20 weeks
How long should folic acid be taken for?
Folic acid supplements should be taken whilst trying for pregnancy and up to 12 weeks of pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects - the neural tube forms the brain and spinal cord
Normally in the booking visit for a pregnant women, an obstetrics history is taken before an examination is carried out
WHat are the components of the history?
Name, age, parity
- PC and HPC
History of present pregnancy
Past obstetrics history
Gynaecological history
- Past medical history and previous surgeries
- DHx and allergies
- FHx
- SHx
- Systematic enquiry
Who usually carries out the booking visit?
After the history is taken, examination begins, height, weight, blood pressure of mother are all taken
What is examined?
Booking visit is usually carried out by the midwife but can be carried out by a doctor
In the examination, an abdominal examination of the mother is carried out
What is gestational age measured from?
What day does it assume that ovulation takes place on?
Gestational age is the common term used during pregnancy to describe how far along the pregnancy is. It is measured in weeks, from the first day of the woman’s last menstrual cycle to the current date
Gestational Age is in weeks from the first day of the last menstrual period and assumes ovulation on day #14 of that cycle.
What is the pregnancy (gestational age) calculator used to estimate the estimated due date of the pregnancy?
How does the calculation work?
The calculation is done using: Naegele’s Rule for Pregnancy

The calculation works by adding nine months and seven days to the first day of the Women’s LMP - this should be approx 40 weeks after the LMP
A number of blood tests investigations are carried out for a women in antenatal care roughly around the time of the booking visit
What is screened for in the blood?
WHat is looked for in urinalysis?
In the blood - syphilis, sickle cell anaemia, thalasaemia, BBV, rhesus disease and haemoglobin count
- (syphilis and thalasaemia only in high risk patients)
Urinalysis - check for gestational diabetes, and pre-eclampsia
What would be seen on urinalysis in a mother with pre-eclampsia?
over 300mg protein
An ultrasound scan is carried out in the first trimester - roughly 12 weeks - to look for any foetal abnromalities
- Confirm viability
- Number of foetuses
- Estimate gestational age – explain the most accurate time/method
- Detect major structural anomalies that may be identified in early pregnancy
What number of ultrasound scans will detect a miscarriage?
1in5 scans at this time will pick up a miscarriage in the mother
What does this USS show?

Shows twins
What is the gestational age of the foetus by measured using?
The head circumference of the baby is used to try and measure the approximate gestational age of the baby
Apart from foetal head circumference, what else can be used to give an approximate gestational age?
Can use the femur length, crown-heel lenght and biparietal diameter (the latter two are slightly more inaccurate)
In follow up antenatal visits after the booking appointment, physical and mental health of the mother are checked and examination of the abdomen are regularly carried out
An early screening scan is carried out in the booking visit (initial ultrasoun here) to look for what abnormality?
Screens for any foetal anomaly eg Down’s syndrome
The ultrasound scan screens for nuchal translucency and chorionicity
What is chorionicity? (ie monochronic twins or dichronic twins)
The chorionicity of twins. Twins can be either dichorionic or monochorionic:
- Dichorionic – each baby has a separate placenta and is inside a separate sac which has its own outer membrane, called a ‘chorion’.
- Monochorionic – the babies share a placenta and chorion (which means they are identical).
Objectives of screening ultrasound:
- Reduction in perinatal mortality and morbidity
- Potential for in utero treatment
- Identification of conditions amenable to neonatal surgery
First trimester is the optimum time for down’s syndrome screening
How sensitive is the 1st trimester screening for DOwn’s syndrome?
1st trimester screening for Down’s syndrome is 90% sensitive

(clinodactyly - is a medical term describing the curvature of a digit )
What is measured on the Down’s syndrome USS screening scan at 10–13weeks6days?
The nuchal translucnecy szie (basically thickness) (NT) is measured - this is the measure of skin thickness behind the foetal neck using ultrasound - greater thickness means a greater risk of Down’s syndrome

The NT test is done in combination with measure free-bHCG and PAPP-A
This is known as the combined test - a different but similar testing is carried out in second trimester screening (better to screen earlier for accurate results)
What do the free-bHCG and PAPP-A stand for?
Should their levels be higher or lower in DOwns?
Nuchal transparency size - higher in a child with downs
free-bHCG free-beta human chorionic gonadotrophin - raised in a child with downs
PAPP-A - pregnancy associated plasma protein A- decreased in a child with Down’s
What in the placenta produced b-HCG and PAPP-A?
It is the placental syncytiotrophoblasts that produce both b-human chorionic gonadotrophin and pregnancy associated plasma protein A
If a woman books later in pregnancy (when nuchal translucency is not as accurate, or if it is not technically possible to measure it) the quadruple test can be taken.
When is the blood sample of the quadruple test able to be taken?
The blood smaple of this test can be taken between 15+0 weeks and 20+0 weeks
What four markers are measured in the quadruple test?
Alfa-foeto protein
UNconjugated estradiol
b-HCG (free or total)
Inhibin A
For both first and second trimester:
Incorporation of these measurements / results with maternal age and gestation to give a personal risk
What is measured in the combine test in 1st trimester?
What is measured in the quadruple test in 2nd trimester?
A risk greater than what requires frther investigation?
1st trimester
- Nuchal translucency size
- Free-bHCG
2nd trimester - 15-20 weeks
- Alfa-feto protein
- UNconjugated estradiol
- Free or total b-HCG
- Inhibin A
A risk greater than 1 in 250 warrants further investigation
Both tests take into account the mothers age
Low AFP and high HCG greatly increase the risks of Down’s syndrome
What specific diagnostic tests can be carried out if the risk if greater than 1 in 250?

Amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling
- Usually performed after 15 weeks
Chorionic villus sampling:
- Usually performed after 12 weeks
What is the miscarriage rate of both these procedures?
Amnicoentesis - miscarriage rate of 1%
Chorionic villus sampling - miscarriage rate of 2%
When is screening for things like sickle cell anaemia and thalasaemia carried out?
Carried out based on ethnicity and therefore you are either high risk for not for the screening procedure
What is given to rhesus negative mothers who have been exposed to rhesus positive blood of baby?
What antibodies is the treatment composed of?

Anti-D immunoglobulin
It is composed of IgG antibodies as they are able to cross the placenta (IgG is dimeric)
When can Anti-D immunoglobulin be given to prevent sensitisation of the mothers blood?
Ideally given within 72 hours of expsorue but can be given up to 10 days after
Where is the ideal site for Anti-D injection?
What are its attachment points?
Origin the anterior border and upper surface of the lateral third of the clavicle, acromion, spine of the scapula
Insertion deltoid tuberosity of humerus
Ideal site for adminsitration is the deltoid muscle
Do you have new feelings and thoughs which you have never had before, which make you disturbed or anxious ?
Are you experiencing thoughts of suicide or harming yourself in violent ways ?
Are you feeling incompetent as a mother as though you cant cope or feeling distant or estranged
What is one of the major causes of death of feotus in pregnancy?
The maternal mental health
In women with more than one moderate risk factor for pre-eclapmsia
What is the advise prophylaxis treatment from 12 weeks of pregnancy?
Pregnant women at increased risk of pre-eclampsia at the booking appointment are offered a prescription of 75 mg of aspirin to take daily from 12 weeks until birth.