Week 7 - D - Breast conditions - DCIS, Cancer - Tx (Breast conservation & mastectomy) and symptoms, Benign conditions, screening Flashcards
What is the most common cancer among women?
The most common cancer among women is breast cancer
Is the incidence of breast cancer changing? Is the mortality of breast cancer changing?
The incidence of breast cancer is steadily increasing and the mortality rates are steadily decreasing
What are the risk factors for breast cancer?
- Increasing age and females
- Uninterrupted unopposed oestrogen exposure - early menarch, nullparity, age at first parity >30, not breastfeeding, late menarch, Hormones - being on the OCP or HRT
- Previously having had breast cancer or a family history of breast cancer - first degree relative, Having genetic mutations - BRCA1or2 Lifestyle - smoking, alcohol, obesity (adipocytes secrete oestrogen), physical inactiviy ,
- Lobular/ductal carcinoma in situ
How much does having a first degree relative increase the rates of breast cancer?
Having a 1st degree relative doubles the risk of breast cancer
If breast cancer is not asymptomatic, what are common presenting symptoms?

Might have blood nipple discharge Nipple inversion Depressed or dimpled skin A painless visible nipple lump Also colour or texture change of the breast

What is the most common histological type of breast cancer?
Ductal carcinoma is the most common histological type of breast cancer
When a woman presents to the doctor with a painless breast lump, usually an xray is taken (depending on the womans age) What might be seen in a woman with a ductal carcinoma in situ?
Usually the DCIS takes up a single ductand can have either: linear microcalcifications usually with casting and pleomorphic or appear as a stellate solid mass on xray Linear distribution is typically seen when DCIS fills the entire duct and its branches with calcification The calcification is usually described as pleomorphic - ie they have a sort of crushed stone like appearance
The calcifications on the mammogram are often described as casting pleomorphic linear calcifications and sometimes can look different ie stellate solid mass LEFT: Lobular calcifications: punctate, round or ‘milk of calcium’ RIGHT: Intraductal calcifications: pleomorph and form casts in a linear or branching distribution.
How is definitive diagnosis of breast cancer achieved?

Definitive diagnosis is achieved via a needle core biopsy - usually image guided Picture shows the casting microcalcificiations If looking closely can see it is almost linear

If the xray shows a stellate architectural mass and after taking the core needle biopsy and it comes back negative for malignant cells, what would you presume was the cause of the mass?
Would assume the cause was a radial scar A radial scar is a benign hyperplastic proliferative disease of the breast
INvasive lobular carcinoma spreads diffusely, what is the pattern of spread typically described on histology for this type of invasive cancer? Is the cancer typically unilateral or bilateral in presentation?
INvasive lobular carcinoma is typically described by its Indian file pattern spread on histology - this is because the cells are single cellular and linear when invasive
Typically the cancer is bilateral (just as the lobular in situ neoplasia is bilateral)

Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) is thought to be a tumor marker with associated increased risk of eventual invasive carcinoma that usually is of the ductal type. What does lobular carcinoma in situ test negative for on immunohistocehmistry? (helps to differentiate LCIS from DCIS)
It is E-cadherin negative on immunohistochemistry
Surgery is the preferred treatment for breast cancer What are the types of surgery? Which type of surgery would you then carry out breast reconstruction surgery?
Wide local excision or Mastectomy Most women who require or request mastectomy are candidates for breast reconstruction. This option should be presented to the patient when she is making her treatment choice.
What does a modified radical mastectomy involve the removal of?
This involves the removal of the breast, including the overlying skin and the axillary lymph nodes
What is the difference between modified radical and radical mastectomy?
Modified radical mastectomy does not involve the removal of the pectoralis major muscle and this potentially facilitates wound healing and perhaps even helps with reconstruction
The choice of the reconstruction method depends upon the patient’s body habitus, co-morbidity, smoking history, size and shape of her breasts, her preference and the surgeon’s experience. What are some options for the breast reconstruction? What can immediate or delayed breast reconstruction following a modified radical mastectomy cause? (this is non skin sparing mastectomy NSSM)
Non-skin sparing mastectomy (NSSM) often results in scars on the new breast and a paddle of sin that is a different color
Usual options are
- A breast prosthesis
- Lattisimus dorsi myocutaneous flap
- Transversus abdominus myocutaenous (TRAM) flap

What is the next most essential component of treatment for breast cancer? When is this treatment given in patients for whom have had a mastectomy?
This would be treating the patient with radiotherapy This is very important in patients who have had wide local excision and isnt usually used in mastectomy cases unless: Indications for post-mastectomy RT include involvement of more than three nodes, positive surgical margins and/or tumors larger than 5 cm
What TNM score is it when radiotherapy is given in mastectomy? What stage is this generally?
Given when T >5cm (T3) and when 3 or more nodes are involved (N3) This is T3 N3 M0 disease Stage 3 breast cancer

When is chemotherapy given in breast cancer?
It is usually given as an adjuvant in early stage (Stage 1 and 2) but used more in advanced stage breast cancer
What is the most commonly used hormonal therapy in breast cancer? When is trastuzamab given?
Tamoxifen - the selective oestrogen receptor modular (SORM) is given in oestrogen receptor positive breast cancer - 1st line in premenopasual women Trastuzamab (Herceptin) is given in HER2 over expressing breast cancers and is generally given in combo with chemo
What is the first line oestrogen receptor positive hormone drug for postmenopasual women with breast cancer?
This would be an aromatase inhibitor - eg anastrazole or letrozole
What is carried out preoperatively to measure tumour extent into axilla?
Pretreatment ultrasound examiantion of the axilla and if there is morphological anomaly then USS guided biopsy Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) is the preferred technique if required
What is the usual treatment for early and late disease breast cancer? Define early and advanced staging also

What is the most common benign neoplasm of the breast and what causes it?
This is a fibroadenoma It is due to the overgrowth of collagenous mesenchyme of one breast lobule resulting in a lump formation
How does fibroadenoma usually present? How are fibroadenomas usually managed?
Usually present as a painless smooth lump which is non tender and very mobile Usually around age 30 in females and is mostly unilateral
When definitely diagnosed, fibroadenomas need not be removed, because they tend to to remain unchanged or decrease in size approaching the menopause and usually become nonpalpable after the menopause. However, some women prefer to have such breast lumps excised. How are fibroadenomas diagnosed?
usually they are diagnosed on USS as the woman is below 40 and then a core biopsy to confirm
some women prefer to have fibroadenomas excised. This performed electively in the form of open lumpectomy or percutaneous vacuum-assisted core biopsy as an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia. What are fibrocystic breasts? What age range does it typically affect and how does it present?
These are breasts where there is the excess of fibrous tissue and cysts Typically affects woman in their 20s-50s and occurs as multiple and often bilateral cysts in the breasts that range from 1mm to several cm Patients usually present with breats tenderness and pain in one or both breasts
Which type of woman does fibrocystic change typically affect?
Fibrocystic change typically affects woman who have gone through early menarche or late menopuse It is thought to be hormone dependent as it has a cyclical change

What is mastalgia? How can it present?
Many women have breast tenderness and pain It can present as cyclical mastalgia where the tenderness and pain occurs with the change in hormones ie in fibrocystic breast changes or non-cyclical Noncyclic mastalgia is usually localized, often persistent, and less responsive to treatment than cyclic mastalgia. Clinically, it is imperative to be certain the pain is within the breast and not of a nonbreast etiology affecting the anterior chest wall
One of the main types of papillary breast lesion is an intraductal papilloma How does intraductal papilloma present? How is it diagnosed?
It is a benign proliferation of epithelial tissue within the lactiferous ducts of the breast which can often be associated with a bloody discharge from the breast Diagnose via US guided core biopsy
Nipple discharge, usually clear, yellow, and watery, can be elicited from the nipples of most women of reproductive age. This is physiologic. Bloody nipple discharge, particularly from a single duct is pathologic and should be evaluated. The most common etiology of spontaneous nipple discharge is an intraductal papilloma or papillomas. These are benign lesions. Nipple discharge is rarely a sign of malignancy unless there is an associated palpable mass. What is the type of benign growth that is smotth and palpable and reveals adipose tissue only on histology?
This would be a lipoma
What is a galactocele? When is it common? What can be used to diagnose and manage it?
A gactocele is a milk-filled cyst most commonly assoicated with pregnnacy and lactation FNA can be used for its diagnosis and treatment
Fat necrosis of the breast can mimic cancer by examination but has a distinct mammographic appearance What is this usually caused by? How does it present?

This typically occurs when there is damage to the adipocytes during trauma causing fomay macrophages recruitment - this leads to fibrosis and scarring Presents as a tender firm mass in the breast - breast often has bruising due to the trauma
What percentage of breast cancer patient are picked up on screening?
50% of asymptomatic patients are picked up on screening 50% of patients present symptomatically and half of these patients also have a lump as a symptom
What is the triple assessment in breast lump presentation?
Clinical History + Examination Morphological - ultrasound or Mammorgram Pathology - cytopathology - fine needle aspiration mainly, histopathology - core-biopsy mainly
What age cut off determines the first line radiological investigation for a women presenting with a breast lump?
Age 40 - carry out a mammogram It is usual practice for patients over 35 years with discrete breast lumps to undergo mammography and ultrasound. In patients under 35 years, ultrasound is the first line investigation
Why is a mammogram not as effective in patients under the age of 40?
Younger woman have denser breasts and therefore mammograms arent as effective as ultrasound in detecting cancer
What is the current screening programme for breast cancer in woman?
Breast cancer screening is currently offered to woman who are aged between 50-70 years of age every 3 years But NHS trying to extend this programme from 47-73 years of age