
E - Provide treatment Doctors have a duty of care to provide treatment in an emergency, can only conscientiously object to carrying out the termination of pregnancy procedure

D - Advise the patient you have a conscientious objection to providing their treatment and arrange for them to see another doctor Must be done within a reasonable amount of time
How long after a patient presents requesting a TOP should referral to treatment be done and how many weeks max before the pregnancy is terminated?
After a ptient presents requesting a TOP - should be referred for treatment by 2 weeks and the pregnancy should be terminated by 3 weeks after initial presentation

A - Verbal consent is sufficient in a conscious patient

C - 1in6 couples suffer from infertility
Define infertility? What proportion of couples who suffer from infertility require assisted conception treatment?
Infertility is failure to achieve clinical pregnancy after 12 months of regular unprotected sex 1in6 (1in7 some sources) suffer from infertility and half of these couples require assisted conception treatment

Number 1 is the ischial spine B - Internal pudendal nerve and artery are associated with this bony landmark

B - Prolapse surgery for vaginal vault dissent
Vaginal vault dissent is the same as a vaginal vault prolapse What is the vaginal vault and when does it usually prolapse?
The vaginal vault is the expanded region of the vaginal canal at the internal end of the vagina. The vaginal vault may prolapse after a hysterectomy, as there is no uterus supporting the interior end of the vagina.

What is the prolapse surgery treatment of vaginal vault dissent?
Sacrospinous ligament supsension of the vagina

E - Generally occurs 14 days before the next menses Ovulation is usually diagnosed with a measurement of progesterone on day 21 of the mestrual cycle

A - Size, shape, mobility, position and cervical motion tenderness
What are the two common different positions of the uterus? When is the uterus palpable between posterior cervix and non dominant hand on bimanual palpation?
Anteverted uterus and retroverted uterus Anteverted uterus is palpable on bimanual palpation

Why is the anteverted uterus palpable instead of the retroverted?
Anteverted uterus is palpable as the cervix is posterior to it If retroverted, the cervix is anterior to the uterus and therefore cannot feel uterus between it and non dominant hand on the body wall

D - Pelvic inlet
What makes up the iliopectineal line?
made up of the arcuate line - smooth round border on internal surface of the ilium The pectineal line - ridge on superior ramus of the pubic bone
What is another name for the pectineal line? What does the iliopectineal line + pubic crest form?
Pectineal line also known as the pecten pubis Iliopectineal line (arcuate line + pectineal line) + pubic crest - forms the linea terminalis


E - Pelvic outlet

D - herpes simplex
How is the herpes simplex virus diagnosed and what is the treatment?
Diagnosed by deroofing the blister and swab sent in viral transport medium for PCR Treat with aciclovir

A - bacterial vaginosis
What is the causative organism of bacterial vaginosis and what is the usual treatment? WHat is the normal vaginal flora organism?
Gardnerella vaginalis is the causative organism - alters vaginal flora causing increase in vaginal pH (decreasing acidic environment) Treatment is metronidazole Normal organism is - lactobacilli (crispatus and jensenni) - not acidophilus

B - Candida albicans
What is the treatment of the candida albicans? Should partner be treated also?
Treatment - oral fluconazole or topical clotrimazole Only treat partner if symptomatic - Candida is not usually sexually transmitted

E - blasctocyst
What day is the morula formed? What day is blastocyst? What day is implantation usually?
Morula (8-16cell stage) formed by day 4 Divides to form blastocyst by day 5-6 of development Normal implantation occurs roughly on day 7

LH surge occurs 24-36 hours prior to ovulation (due to a high increase in oestrogen levels and this LH surge causes ovulation)

A - progesterone Thickens the endometrium

What are the guidelines for a patient wanting to get IVF treatment? (what age, how long, how many cycles of IUI)
Guidleines recommend IVF treatment should be offered to women under 43 years of age who have been trying to get pregnant via regular unprotected sex for 2 years or who have 12 cycles of artifical insemination (IUI)

E - Surgical sperm aspiration retrieval and ICSI

A - Clomifene acetate
What is clomifene acetate?
This is a medication used to treat infertility in PCOS by trying to initiate ovulatory cycles
What are the first line treatments for infertility in PCOS?
Clomifene acetate, metofrmine or the two combined is 1st line for PCOS infertility management
How often do levels of HCG double in a pregnancy?
The levels double by 50% usually every 48 hourse for 6 weeks

B - doubles by 50% in 48 hours

Oligospermia - low sperm count Asthenospermia -reduced sperm motility Oligoasthenospermia = B - low count and low motility

Astheno - low motility Teratoasthenospermia - low motlity and abnormal forms - D (abnormal morphology is the teratospermia (morphology =forms)
What is measured in semen analysis?
Volume Density - numbers of sperm Motility - proportion of sperm that are moving Progression - how the sperm are moving Morphology - the forms of sperm
What is oligospermia? What is asthenospermia? What is teratospermia? What is azoospermia?
Oligospermia - low sperm count (concentration - low density of sperm) Asthenospermia - low sperm motility - numbers of sperm moving is little Teratospermia - abnromal forms Azoospermia - semen contains no sperm

D - seminiferous tubules

B - leydig cells

C - Inevitable miscarriage
Why is this an inevitable miscarriage?

The cervical os is open which means it is not a threatned miscarriage (os would be closed)
- Os open - incomplete or inevitable miscarriage
- As there is a foetal heartbeat cannot be incomplete miscarriage as the foetus would not be alive
Therefore answer is an inevitable miscarriage is going to occur