
C - 57%

D - 40% of LGB suffer from mental health conditions 67% of transgender patients suffer from mental health conditions
Do more bisexual men or bisexual women suffer from mental health conditions?
It si more common (63%) for bisexual women to suffer from a mental health condition than bisexual men (20%)

E - Up to day 25 of a regular 32 day cycle Copper IUD can only be given up to 5 days post UPSI or up to 5 days after earliest estimated start date of contraception - which in this case would have been day 18 of the regular cycle

B - When fitting a contraceptive implant (Nexplanon®) on day 5 of a regular 28 day cycle The quick start algorithim states that the contraception should be started within 7 days of the last menstrual period
If the patients last menstrual period was greater than 7 days ago, and the patient has not had unprotected sex since the LMP, what can the patient be started on?
The patient can be started on quick start contraception and use a backup (barrier) method of contraception for 7 days

E - the posterior fornix of the vagina

B - axillary lymph nodes
Where does the majority of the rest of the lymph from breast drain?
Majority of the other 25% drains to the parasternal lymph nodes Some lymph drains to the abdominal lymph nodes

E - subdermal implant

efficacy of COC, POP and implant are reduced by liver enzymes (presumably because they are metabolised) Copper IUD would also increase bleeding and worsen pain C - Intrauterine system (IUS)

C - Avoiding physical contact with people who do not have HIV HIV is transmitted through sex, blood to blood, mother to child transmission but not through physical contact

A - Poor adherence to medication is the single biggest contributer to HIV antiretroviral drug resistance.

E - Oral LNG should be given as a dose of 0.75mg and repeated after 12 hours LNG is given as a single dose 1.5mg

B - delayed msicarriage Have no idea as to why…

A - protects against ovarian cancer (up to 50%max over 15 year use) It increases risk of breast cancer and risk of cervical cancer if used for greater than 5 years It reduces the risk of endometrial cancer by 20-50%

E - progesterone only implant Sterilisation procedure would be difficult Also difficult to fit Mirena coil with fibroids COCP is contraindicated due to age and smoking hisotry

E - Mirena IUS NICE recommends Mirena as a the first choice. Surgery has high risks. TCRE does not provide contraception. COCP is contraindicated in a smoker with high BMI

B - BActerial vaginosis
Why are the other answers unlikely in this case?

Candidiasis has creamy white disscharge with redness Trichomoniasis has a green/yellow dischagre and musty odour HPV presents with warts Genital herpes presents with sore ulcerated lesions Bacterial vaginosis is right - fishy odour and greyish discharge
What would the wrong answers be given for?

A - Would be given for herpes B - This is the correct answer C - Would be given for HPV D - Would be given in bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis vaginalis E - would be given in combo with azithromycin for gonorrhea

D - performed at the time of abortion or childbirth
What are other factors for regretting having sterilisation?
Young age <30 yr old Few or no children Not in a mutually faithful relationship or not in a relationship Coercion by partner or medical personnel

B - Failure rate of male sterilisation is in fact 1in2000 In most cases, vasectomy is more than 99% effective. Out of 2,000 men who are sterilised, one will get a woman pregnant during the rest of his lifetime.

E - If one pill is missed , there is a need for emergency contraception ,inspite of taking the pill as soon as possible.
When can combined hormonal contraception be started if post partum? (breastfeeding and non breastfeeding) When should the CHC ideally be started after LMP?
If post partum and breastfeeding Need to wait at least 6 weeks UKMEC 1 at 6 months If post partum and no breastfeeding - can be started at 21 days - UKMEC 1 at 6 weeks The CHC should be started within 5 days after LMP ideally

C. For a patient who presents with a “clinical indicator illness” (eg seborrhoeic dermatitis), an HIV risk assessment should be undertaken to identify patients who should be recommended to have an HIV test

D A vulvovaginal swab for chlamydia/gonococcal PCR should be carried out A first pass urine in male is carried out for males

A - Primary

A - female sex All the options may increase the risk of gender based violence but female sex is the highest risk