Week 11 - Elimination Flashcards
What is elimination? (2)
- the removal, clearance, or separation of matter
- excretion of waste products through kidneys, skin, lungs, and intestines
What is urinary elimination?
- Passage of urine through the urinary tract by means of the urinary sphincter and urethra (also called micturition)
What is bowel elimination?
- Passage of stool (feces) through the intestinal tract and dispelling of stool through the intestinal smooth muscle
- aka defacation
Scope of elimination arrow
What is anuria?
not urinating
What is dysuria?
difficulty urinating
What is polyuria?
urinating a lot
What is frequency of urination?
needing to go all the time
What is urinary hesitance?
you have to pee but you sit down and nothing comes out
What are 2 terms associated with impaired bowel elimination?
- constipation
- fecal impaction (stuck in rectum)
Waste formation diagram
The elimination of urine is dependent on what factors? (6)
- Brain and spinal cord intact
- Competent lower urinary tract function
- Motivation
- Ability to recognize voiding signals
- Ability to use toilet
- Access of toilet
How does the bladder function?
- A full bladder increases pressure and sends a signal to the spinal cord and brainstem centre for the need to micturate
What dictates when or where to micturate?
social training
What volume of urine is the level at which it is difficult to control micturition?
500 ml
The formation and elimination of feces depends on what factors? (7)
- Adequate fluid and nutrition
- Adequate condition of the senses
- Good oral health (xerostomia)
- Propulsive waves in the esophagus and stomach
- Swallowing
- Movement through the small intestine and liver
- Pancreatic secretions and enzymes