Unit 2 - Fall Risk Flashcards
What is the definition of a fall?
- An unexpected even in which the participant comes to rest on the ground, floor, or lower level
What percentage of older adults fall each year?
What percentage of injury related to admissions of older adults are because of a fall?
What are intrinsic risk factors associated with falls? (7)
- Parkinson’s
- chronic conditions
- poor vision
- gait and balance problems
- incontinence
- fear of falling
- advanced age
What are extrinsic factors associated with falls? (3)
- psychoactive drugs
- lack of grab bars
- uneven surfaces
What assessment tool assesses the intrinsic and extrinsic factors and their causes?
Comprehensive Geriatric assessment/ Multidisciplinary assessment
What assessment tool helps assess underlying causes of falls?
- fall risk assessment tools
What assessments recognize mobility issues impacting mobility?
- performance based tests; Berg Balance test
see functional performance tests in Boscart Box 13.2, p 199
How else can we assess/recognize intrinsic and extrinsic factors pertaining to fall risk? (3)
- recognize risk by assessing potential adverse medication effect that impact mobility
- recognize risk by applying a mobility and fall risk assessment tools
- recognize environmental risk
How do we treat symptoms of Parkinson’s? (4)
Dopamine replacement
- mimicking
- slowing dopamine breakdown
- drugs
Which drugs are used for Parkinson’s therapy?
carbidopa and levodopa
What are some risks for taking carbidopa and levodopa? (3)
- break down quickly, high risk for adverse effects, dyskinesia
- see safety alert: timing before meals, routine
- other medications - have serious side effects
How can we treat pain experienced from osteoarthritis non-pharmacologically? (2)
- moist heat to relieve pain, spasms, and stiffness
- use of orthotic devices like braces and splints to support joints
How can we treat pain experienced from osteoarthritis pharmacologically? (2)
- acetaminophen is the first line
- NSAIDS pose a risk for older adults
How are falls a symptom of an underlying problem? (2)
- indicate underlying neurological problem, sensory, cognitive, medication-related, osteoporotic, MS
- may indicate an impending physical illness
Falls are related to an interaction between extrinsic factors and intrinsic factors. What exactly are extrinsic and intrinsic factors?
- environment
- related to person
- sensory, gait, or cognition
What other factors contribute to fall rate? (2)
- iatrogenic factors in health care settings
- medication
How does in-patient settings contribute to fall risk? (5)
- inadequate assessment and communication with patient
- poor footwear
- environmental safety
- UTI’s associated with falls
- Insomnia
Why is fear of falling an intrinsic factor?
- a person’s anxiety towards usual or normal walking or mobilizing, with the perception that a fall will occur
What are some evidence based risk factors associated with falls? (5)
- Gait patterns put the older adult at risk because older adults have stiffer and less coordinated gaits
- Women with functional impairment and take medications are at higher risk
- Chronic conditions and feelings of vertigo associated with higher risk
- relationship between UTI and falls in LTC
- Insomnia in LTC associated with increased risk
Where can one experience extrinsic factors that increase the risk of falls? (3)
- in the home
- in the institution (hospital and PCH)
- in the neighbourhood