Unit 3 - Recognize and Detect Visual Impairment Flashcards
What are observations you can make in detecting visual impairment? (3)
- mis-stepping or sitting
- walking into objects
- changes in ability to do ADLs and IADLs
How can you interview for visual impairment? (5)
- is there greater sensitivity to light?
- do they prefer wearing brighter coloured clothes
- are there more spills?
- Is driving impacted?
missing traffic signs, increased difficulty night driving
How can you assess for eye comfort? (4)
- mild dry eyes (dry, scratchy feeling)
- Moderate dry eyes
- discomfort or pain
- decreased mucus production (assess by doctor) - Often too sensitive to tolerate physical tears
- Eye pain associated with pathological conditions
How can we assess for pathological conditions impacting vision with:
a) Glaucoma
b) Cataracts
c) AMD
- Glaucoma
- increased IOP and loss of central vision - Cataracts
- clouding of lens - AMD
- loss of central vision related to degen. of macula
types - Dry and Wet AMD
What are the risk factors for impaired vision? (4)
- Population - genetic component
- Lifestyle (smoking and nutrition deficiencies)
- Medications - adverse effects
- Environment
Why is the environment a risk factor for impaired vision? (3)
- eye damage from exposure to UV rays
- Warmer temperatures associated with early onset of presbyopia
- environmental conditions can cause dry eyes
what are the physiological/medical condition risk factors for visual impairment? (4)
- Parkinson and Lewy body dementia
- visual hallucination - Diabetes
- increased risk of cataracts, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy - Hypertension and hypercholesterolemia
- AMD - Malnutrition
- cataract and dry eyes
Which medications have adverse effects on vision? (3)
- Anticholinergics
- Corticosteroids
Which medications have an adverse effect on comfort (dry eyes, keratoconjunctivitis sicca) (3)
- diuretics
- antihistamines
- anticholinergics
What are interventions to prevent vision impairment? (6)
- minimize exposure to sun
- no smoking programs
- lifestyle issues (nutrition and exercise)
- nutritional considerations (think previous vitamins mentioned)
- lutein supplements 10 mg/day (lower risk for ppl with AMD)
- access to services and cost of treatment
What are interventions to minimize the IMPACT of visual changes? (3)
- have eyes examined regularly by ophthalmologist, optometrist, optician,
- optimal control of medical conditions
- fall prevention
What are treatments to reduce vision impairment? (4)
Comfort for eyes
- artificial tears or lubricants
- cold compresses, humidity
- check for adverse drug rxn
What are interventions to accommodate for visual changes and improve function? (4)
- Environmental modifications contrasting colours
- ex. 2 dots of red nail polish to distinguish temp settings
- why would u use clear plastic shower curtain rather than solid colours for a tub or shower? - Proper lighting
- Color contrast
- Control glare
falls reduction protocol
What are environmental aids available? (3, 7 points)
- Encourage use of low vision aids
- maintain eye wear
- magnifying glasses - Vision friendly reading material
- large print, contrasts, plain fonta - Adjust environment
- soft 60-75 watt bulbs overhead for reading
- avoid glare
- 3 times as much light
- brightly coloured tape at top of the stairs
As mentioned but will repeat, what are ways to promote eye comfort related to dry eyes? (5)
- eye drops, artificial tears
- cold compresses
- adequate environmental humidity
- avoid irritants
- review meds
What are the health outcomes at the population level?
- reduce risk can decrease rates of pathological conditons
What are the health outcomes on the individual? (4)
- early detection ensures early treatment and reduction of visual loss related to pathological condition
- improved vision and functioning
- reduced risk for falls
- improved comfort