Urinary Devo Path Flashcards
obstruction location in posterior urethral valves
membranous urethra
defect of ventral abd wall > living of bladder and urethra open to surface
associated with UG and skeletal anomalies
exstrophy of bladder
associated with
too little amniotic fluid
associated with renal ageneiss, polycystic KD, urethral obstruction
chronic amniotic leak
polyhydramnios =
associated with
excessive amniotic fluid
associated with diabetes, multiple gestation, anencephaly, esophageal atresia
clinical presentation UPJ Obstruction adults and children
infant: flank mass, UTI, FTT, sepsis
adult: flank pain, colicky pain, UTI, hematuria
atresia of urethra most associated with
prune belly syndrome
pathophysiology ureteropelivc junction obstruction
diuresis enhances obstruction of urinary tract
back pressure leads to gross enlargement, thinning, scarring, fibrosis
morpholohic condtion leading to ureteral reflux
lateralized ureter > recurrent kidney infection and atrophy
complications, etiology multicystic dysplastic kidney
vesicoureteral reflux in other kidney
etiology: non genetic
presentation/morphology multicystic dysplastic kidney
cysts of varying size
non functioning
primitive ductules, cartilage, atretic ureter
contralateral kidney hypertrophies
pelvic and lumbar kidneys due to
failed or incomlete ascent
gene involvement in Nephroblastoma (WIlms tumor
chromosome 11
(mainly in children)
treatment ureteral reflux
antibiotics or surgical repair
mucosal folds that obsruct urethra,
common cause of renal failure in boys
posterior urethral valves