Spirometry Flashcards
fixed extrathoracic airway obstruction when
FEF50/FIF50 >1
at ___, inspiration/expiration flow rate should be about equal
50% VC
hallmark of restrictive defect
reduced total lung cpacity
significant response to bronchodilator
when FVC or FEV1 increases at least 12% and 200ml
low FEV1 FVC implies ___ process
(restrictive and normal flow have not-low ratios)
normal range FEV1/FVC
normal VC
normal vc within 80% of predicted
if FEV1/FVC ratio low…
FEV1% of expected classification
FEV1>99% expected = phyiologic variant
FEV1 70-99% mild
FEV1 60-69% moderate
FEV1 50-59 moderately severe
FEV1 34-49 severe
restrictive lung disease
sarcoidosis, collagen vascular disease
pulmonary fibrosis
plearal effusion
chest wall disease (kyphosis, nm disorder)
extrathoracic conditions (obesity(
process of air into alveoli (pressure differentials)
thorax expands> pleural more sub-atm >
> increase transpul pressure >
>lungs expand>
>alveolar pressure = atm >
air flows into alveoli
in emphysema, lung tissue is ___ compliant
restrictive disease = ____ flow rate curve
normal shape, skinnnier (less volume)
___ outside of 95% Confidence interval is low
TLC classifications for restrictive defect
% predicted TLC =70%-to LLN Mild
60-69% Moderate
(if lung volumes cannot be measured, grade FVC using the obstructive FEV1 classes)
satisfactory duration of exhalation for spirometry
cystic firosis, pulmonary parenchymal disease (emphysema) obstuctive or restrictive?