Unit 8 Flashcards
Which of the original thirteen colonies and states allowed slavery at some point?
All of them
Which states outlawed slavery before 1820?
The seven northernmost states
What did Congress do to keep a balance of slave and free states in the Senate?
They created a practice of maintaining a numerical balance between slave and free states by admitting a slave state and a free state at the same time
Which three states applied for admission in 1819?
Alabama, Missouri, and Maine
Which section of the country grew most in population in the early 1800s?
The North
What two factors made Missouri’s petition for admission into the Union problematic?
What to do about slavery in the Louisiana Territory and Congressman James Talmadge wanting a gradual abolition of slavery in Missouri as a condition for its admission
Who led the effort to reach a compromise on the Missouri question?
Congress under the leadership of Henry Clay
Where did the Missouri Compromise ban slavery?
In the Louisiana Territory north of the 36o30’ latitude line, except for Missouri itself
Which founding father was concerned about the Missouri Compromise because it introduced slavery as an issue of national policy?
Thomas Jefferson
What are the first five American Presidents in order?
George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe
What characterized American foreign policy in its early history?
They were cautious and maintained neutrality between other countries
What was America’s main interest in its international relations?
Building trade relations with other countries
What agreement was reached with Spain regarding Florida and the southwest?
That the U.S. was given all of Florida and also settled the western border of the Louisiana Territory, while the U.S. gave up its claims to part of Texas along the Gulf Coast
What were two main elements of the Monroe Doctrine?
First, European nations should not consider any areas of the western hemisphere as subject to future colonization, and second, the U.S. would not interfere with any existing European colonies in the hemisphere and would not become involved in European wars
What was the real power of enforcement at the time around the Monroe Doctrine?
The British
What was a twentieth-century challenge to the Monroe Doctrine?
The Communist takeover of Cuba and the Cuban Missile Crisis
What two ambassadorships and what Cabinet post did John Quincy Adams fill before becoming President?
Ambassador to the Netherlands and Russia, and Secretary of State
John Quincy Adams was the principal architect of what policy?
The Monroe Doctrine
What Cabinet position was seen as the stepping stone to the presidency?
Secretary of State
Who were the four candidates for President in 1824?
John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, William Crawford, and Henry Clay
Who won the most votes and the most electoral votes? Who became president?
Andrew Jackson. John Quincy Adams
What controversial law caused political turmoil?
The Tariff of 1828
What public office did Adams fill after he was President?
Congressman from Massachusetts
What Revolutionary War experience influenced Jackson?
When he was captured by the British
What brought Jackson to Tennessee?
He was named Public prosecutor for the Western District of North Carolina (the area that became Tennessee)
To whom was the former Rachel Donelson married to when Jackson met her?
Lewis Robards
What mistake involving Rachel haunted Jackson’s political career?
The fact that he married her before she was officially divorced with Robards
What made Jackson a national hero?
His victory at the Battle of New Orleans
What did Jackson think about the national government?
That many people in the national government were corrupt and were using their positions for personal gain
Who was a prominent politician from the West who was a rival of Jackson?
Henry Clay
Who was elected President and Vice President in 1828?
President Andrew Jackson and Vice President John C. Calhoun
Who was the leading evangelist of this time period?
Charles G. Finney
What term did transcendentalists use for the Deity that they said is in all people and things?
The Over-Soul
Who founded Mormonism?
Joseph Smith
What unusual belief do Mormons have about marriage?
That men can have several wives, that God himself is married, and that marriages in the temples are celestial marriages
Who led the mormons west to the Great Salt Lake?
Brigham Young
What did William Miller inaccurately predict?
The year that Christ would return (1844 and 1845)
What were some examples of attempted utopias?
Groups like the Shakers, communities of Harmony, Perfectionists, and the Brooke Farm commune all attempted to reach a utopia, but failed