Unit 6 Flashcards
Who was the first President and Vice President under the Constitution
President George Washington and Vice President John Adams
What city was the first capital of the United States?
New York City
In what year did Washington first take the presidential oath of office?
What were the three executive departments?
The departments of State, War, and Treasury
Who was the first Secretary of State, Secretary of War, and Secretary of Treasury?
Thomas Jefferson, Henry Knox, and Alexander Hamilton respectively
What did Hamilton propose concerning a national financial system?
The creation of a national bank
In what state did the Whiskey Rebellion take place and what was it about?
Pennsylvania. It was about farmers not wanting to pay the new whiskey tax
In what state did the Battle of Fallen Timbers occur and what movement did it help?
Ohio. It helped western settlement
What was the first foreign policy crisis faced by the Washington administration
How to respond to the French Revolution
How did Washington respond to the war that began in Europe?
He issued a statement of neutrality
What actions of the French ambassador Genet were inappropriate?
The fact that he went about America outfitting ships to do battle against France’s European enemies and trying to instigate attacks on Spanish-held territories
What was the policy of impressment that the British followed on the high seas?
Sailors on American ships who were suspected of being British navy were taken prisoner and pressed into service on British ships
What was the Jay Treaty?
A treaty with Great Britain regarding the policy of impressment and several other matters
What was the Pinckney Treaty?
A treaty which ended Spanish claims in the South and guaranteed American access to New Orleans
What did Hamilton and those who agreed with him want?
A strong central government that encouraged the development of industry and leadership by the elites
What did Jefferson and those who agreed with him believe?
They believed that the individual citizen, especially the farmer, was the backbone of a successful economy and society
What did the political differences between Hamilton and Jefferson lead to?
The formation of political parties (or factions, as they were called)
Who were the presidential and vice presidential candidates in 1796?
Federalist John Adams and Thomas Pinckney, and Republican Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr
Who was the second President and Vice President of the United States?
John Adams and Thomas Jefferson
What did the incident of American envoys being insulted by representatives of the French foreign minister come to be called, and why?
The XYZ Affair, because John Adams didn’t call the three representatives by their names, but by X, Y, and Z
What wise judgment did Adams show in handling relations with France?
He decided not to declare war with France and negotiated a new agreement with them
Why did Congress enact the Alien Act and related laws?
Because they wanted to limit the potential influence of foreign nationals and to weaken the Republicans, who were widely supported by new immigrants
What is the Sedition Act?
The act that outlawed false, scandalous, and malicious attacks on the government
What was the purpose of most newspapers published at the time?
To promote one party or the other, not for providing an objective account of the news
What did James Madison and Thomas Jefferson write in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts?
The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, which raised serious questions about the laws
Who were the presidential and vice presidential candidates in 1800?
Federalist John Adams and Charles C. Pinckney and Republican Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr
Who was the third President and Vice President of the United Sates?
Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr
What did the political differences between Adams and Jefferson destroy?
Their friendship
Who was the first President to live in the White House?
John Adams
What was the Judiciary Act of 1801?
A law that created several new judgeships and other positions such as marshals and justices of the peace. It was an attempt by the lame-duck Federalist Congress to control the Federal Judiciary
Whom did Adams nominate to be Chief Justice?
John Marshall
What was the U.S. population in 1790?
3.9 million people
In 1790 half of the population was under what age?
Under the age of 16
What were the next four states admitted to the Union after the original thirteen?
Vermont, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio
What was the U.S. population in 1800?
5.3 million people
What aspects of the Protestant Reformation influenced American religious practice?
The identity of the church, the relationship between the church and government, and the nature of an individual’s walk with God
What aspect of the English religious experience influenced American religious practice?
It tolerated diversity in religion
What were three results of the American Revolution on American religious practice?
People becoming religiously active, individual freedom, and diversity of distinctive American religious groups
What Chief Justice was an active Episcopalian and later president of the American Bible Society?
John Jay
What was a belief system that was growing in acceptance at the end of the eighteenth century?
Rationalistic religion, which was based on man’s reason and not on the revelation of God in Scripture
What is the term given to the accepted national belief system of the United States?
Civil religion