Unit 12 Flashcards
What happened at the 1860 Democratic National Convention?
Democrats fought over how strongly they should promote slavery (leave it the way it was or issue a statement to give territories the right of slavery). Many left the Convention, resulting in a divide between them
Who were the Democratic nominees of the 1860 Democratic National Convention?
Stephen Douglas and John C. Breckenridge
Where was the 1860 Republican convention held, and who was its nominee?
Chicago. Abraham Lincoln
Why was William Seward not nominated by the Republicans?
Because he was to strongly antislavery, which would turn off potential Democrat voters
Who was the fourth national candidate for President, and what party did he represent?
John Bell. Constitutional Union Party (formerly conservative Whigs)
What political experience did Abraham Lincoln have before 1860?
He was a Whig state legislator, a U.S. Congressman, and he ran for U.S. Senator against Stephen Douglas
Who won the 1860 presidential election?
Abraham Lincoln
What action did South Carolina take after the election?
They repealed the state’s ratification and seceded from the Union
Where was the Confederate government formed, and who was chosen to lead it?
Montgomery, Alabama. Jefferson Davis as President and Alexander Stephens as VP
What last-ditch proposals were put forward in Congress to avoid war?
Proposals guaranteeing the continuation of slavery where it existed and allowing slavery in territories south of the 36o30’ parallel
What Constitutional amendment was passed by Congress but not considered by the states?
The amendment guaranteeing slavery where it currently existed
What Federal action prompted the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter?
President Lincoln’s decision to resupply (not with munition) the 69 men at Fort Sumter while Confederates laid siege to it
What move by President Lincoln led to other states seceding from the Union?
His issue to call for 75,000 volunteers to be raised by state militia and his blockade of southern parts
What four other slaves states remained in the Union?
Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri
How did Lincoln keep Maryland in the Union?
By suspending the writ of habeas corpus and putting pro-Confederate leaders in jail