Unit 2 Flashcards
What was the primary influence over the secular governments in medieval Europe?
The Roman Catholic Church
What is indulgences?
The money given to the Church by the people in hopes that it would get their loved ones out of purgatory
What do we call the points of debate Martin Luther raised about the practice of indulgences and when did he announce them?
His ninety-five theses. 1517
How did Luther make it possible for the average person to know the Bible?
He translated the Bible from Latin to German
What happened in European politics as a result of the Reformation?
Conflicts and wars erupted within countries between Protestants monarchs and Catholic monarchs
What English Ruler broke with Rome and established the Church of England?
Henry VIII
How did the Protestant Reformation affect exploration and political thought?
By lands conquered by the Spanish becoming Catholics and the lands conquered by the English accepting religious diversity
Who sailed to a “new founde land” for England in 1497?
Giovanni Caboti (John Cabot)
What did Henry VIII do to be rid of his first wife?
He separated himself from the Catholic Church and declared himself to be the head of the church in England so he could have his first marriage annulled through the Anglican Church
Who were the daughters of Henry VIII’s first and second wives?
Mary and Elizabeth I respectively
What was the first English attempt to establish a colony in North America? What happened to this colony?
A group (sponsored by Sir Walter Raleigh) that settled on Roanoke Island off North Carolina. They either died from illness or Indian attack, or were moved or carried off to another location
Who became king of England when Elizabeth I died?
James I
What is mercantilism?
It is the act of the government encouraging and assisting private businesses, especially those involved in foreign trade
What was the first permanent English settlement in North America, and when was it founded?
Jamestown, Virginia, May 24, 1607
What is a Puritan and a Separatist?
Puritans were people who were not satisfied with the worldliness and the Catholic-like practices of the Church of England and wanted to purify the Church. Separatists were people who wanted no part in the Anglican Church and sought to be separate and independent
What group settled Plymouth?
The Separatists
What group settled Massachusetts Bay?
The Puritans
Roger Williams began what colony?
Rhode Island
Who led the founding of the Connecticut colony?
Thomas Hooker
What colony was intended to be a haven for persecuted Catholics?
What colonies were named for Charles II?
North and South Carolina
From what country did England take the colony that became New York?
The Netherlands
What religious group is associated with the founding of Pennsylvania?
The Society of Friends (the Quakers)
What is the Mason-Dixon Line?
A boundary line between Pennsylvania (which outlawed slavery) and Maryland (which maintained it until the Civil War). It became a symbol of the division between the slave and non-slave portions of the United States
What country posed the only serious threat to English control of North America?
What was an indentured servant?
A servant who sold their papers (indentures) to sea captains who then sold them to people in the colonies. They worked for a set period of time and then were given land to start out on their own
What were some differences that developed among the colonies in different regions of America?
New England was the home of many farmers, traders, fishers, and shipping professions. The southern colonies encouraged large plantations that produced cash crops, mostly tobacco but also rice and lumber. The middle colonies were a mix between the two other regions
Which area had the greatest interest in education?
New England
Why were English accents different in the different regions of America?
Because those who moved to New England came from one area of England, those who moved to the southern colonies came from another area, and so forth
List all of the 13 original colonies (in order)
Virginia, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Maryland, North and South Carolina, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Georgia
Who was the first person living in America to have literary works published?
Anne Bradstreet
What was the generally understood role of religion in society in the colonies
That it was of upmost importance and that the church should have the primary influence in defining what was acceptable behavior for all people in society
What was the Half-Way Covenant?
A covenant that allowed the children of people who had not become members to have a kind of half-way membership in the church
What was the dominant theology in the colonies?
What was the predominant form of religious practice in the colonies
Where did witchcraft arise, how did it arise, and what was the legal outcome of it?
Salem, Massachusetts. A slave from the West Indies influenced a few young girls to it. The death of twenty people suspicious of witchcraft
What were the two sides in the English Civil War?
The forces of King Charles I (called Cavaliers or Royalists) against the forces supporting Parliament and the Puritans (called Roundheads)
Who became Lord Protector of England?
Oliver Cromwell
Why were William and Mary asked to rule England?
Because the Anglican leaders of Parliament sought to depose James II to stop the Catholic domination of the monarchy. James II fled to France and Parliament wanted William and Mary (who were Protestant rulers in the Netherlands) to sit on the throne
What is the significance of how William and Mary were asked?
The fact that English monarchs ruled with the permission of Parliament
What was the first book printed in America?
Bay Psalm Book
What colonies made up New England? (4)
Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New Hampshire