Unit 15 Flashcards
What was Grant’s military record before the Civil War?
He was an officer in the Mexican War and at various military posts in the U.S.
Who provided Grant with his margin of victory in the 1868 election?
Black voters
What does the 15 Amendment prohibit?
The denial of people’s right to vote because of race, color, or previous conditions of servitude
Who was Grant’s opponent in the 1872 election?
Horace Greely
What were greenbacks?
Paper money issued during the Civil War
How did greenbacks affect the nation’s economy?
It made money cheaper and allowed some degree of inflation. Farmers and debtors wanted them used
What discoveries encouraged people to move west?
The discovery of gold, silver, and copper in western areas
Where did most cattle drives begin and end?
The vast expanses of Texas to Abilene, Kansas
How many battles between Native Americans and the U.S. Army took place between 1869 and 1875?
Over two hundred
Who won the battle between an Army force led by George A. Custer and Sioux warriors led by Sitting Bull?
The Sioux warriors
How much did urban population increase between 1830 and 1870?
Nine-fold from 1.1 million to 9.9 million
What areas of the country had large percentages of foreign-born immigrants or children of immigrants?
New England and the Middle Atlantic States
What group was largely denied access to the American dream?
African Americans
What was the proposed eastern terminus of a southern-route transcontinental railroad?
New Orleans
What two companies built the transcontinental railroad?
The Union Pacific Railroad and the Central Pacific Railroad
What was the eastern terminus and what was the western terminus for the railroad?
Omaha, Nebraska (eastern) and Sacramento, California (western)
What immigrant groups were hired in large number by the railroad companies?
Irish and Chinese immigrants
When was the transcontinental railroad finished?
May 10, 1869
At what point did the two lines meet?
On the golden spike in Promontory Point, Utah
Who were the Republican and Democratic presidential candidates in 1876?
Democrat Samuel J. Tilden and Republican Rutherford B. Hayes
The electoral votes from what states were questioned in the election?
Oregon, Louisiana, South Carolina, and Florida
What did Congress do to settle the controversy of the presidential election?
They gathered five members of the Senate, House and Supreme Court (7 Democrats and 8 Republicans, including Republican Justice Jospeh Bradley, who replaced David Davis) to vote on who won. By an 8-7 party vote, Hayes won the election
What deal did leading Republicans and southern Democrats evidently make behind the scenes in late February of 1877?
The deal was that if Hayes were to be elected, he would withdraw the remaining Reconstruction troops from the South
What was the main goal for the Democrats involved in the negotiations?
To go their own way in southern state governments
What happened after Hayes took office?
Democrats opposed Hayes’ Speaker of the House (Republican James Garfield), the Republican-led governments in Louisiana and South Carolina soon collapsed without the support of Federal troops, and the Democrats controlled all eleven former Confederate state governments and were back in charge in the South