Unit 14 Flashcards
What were some attitudes present in the North after the Civil War?
Many northern whites did not believe they could live harmoniously with blacks, and strong racial prejudice existed in many of the northerners
What did the Freedmen’s Bureau do to help former slaves?
They provided food, clothing, shelter, and medical supplies, they set up schools, and also oversaw abandoned and confiscated southern land and gave it to freedmen
What was sharecropping?
The act of people living on land which was owned by someone else, working in the owner’s fields, and receiving a share of the crop as pay
What was the term given to laws passed to limit the rights of blacks?
Black codes
What were two ideas held by Radical Republicans regarding the status of the former Confederate states after the war?
Some followed the “state suicide” theory, which was that the Confederate states should have the status of unorganized territories because of their rebellion, while others followed the “conquered provinces” theory, stating that the Confederate states shouldn’t even have the rights of territories
Who started and promoted the “state suicide” and “conquered provinces” theories?
Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens respectively
What kind of people were elected from the former Confederate states in 1865 to serve in Congress?
White Confederates who fought in the war (and also Alexander Stephens, VP of the Confederacy). Congress did not allow them to be seated, though
What body was formed by Congress to develop a plan for Reconstruction?
The Joint Committee on Reconstruction
What punishment was called for by the Fourteenth Amendment if blacks were not allowed to vote?
That that state would have less representatives in Congress if blacks couldn’t vote
What plan was made for Confederate debts?
That all of the debts were to be void and forgotten
What group won a big majority in the 1866 congressional elections?
Radical Republicans
How were the former Confederate states organized in the Military Reconstruction Act?
They were divided into five military districts, each overseen by a military governor with troops stationed there to maintain order and to protect the rights of blacks while states rewrote their constitutions
Who were carpetbaggers?
Northerners who supposedly packed their carpetbags and came south to obtain government positions and to teach school and render other legitimate service
Who were scalawags?
Southerners who cooperated with the Republicans and opposed secession (seen by northerners as traitors)
What was Andrew Johnson’s profession?
He was a tailor
To what position did Abraham Lincoln appoint Johnson in 1862?
Military governor of Tennessee
What social group did Johnson hate?
What did the Command of the Army Act require?
All orders from the Commander-in-Chief (President) had to go through the General of the Army, who had to stay in Washington, D.C., unless Congress consented for him to leave
What did the Tenure of Office Act forbid?
The President’s ability to remove anyone from office, unless confirmed by the Senate
What body impeached Johnson?
The House of Representatives
What body conducted the impeachment trial?
The Senate
How did Congress change tariffs during the Civil War?
By increasing government assistance to businesses through tariff protection
What position did Robert E. Lee fill after the Civil War?
He became president of Washington University in Lexington, Virginia
What was Jefferson Davis’ legal status after the war?
He was held in Georgia for two years and indicted for treason, but was released on bail and was never tried. President Johnson granted him a pardon in 1869
What did the Homestead Act allow?
Americans to receive land in the West by living on the land for a minimum number of days per year for five years, or by cultivating the land for five years
What institutions did the Morrill Land Grant Act authorize?
Agricultural and mechanical universities
What immediate need did the 1863 National Bank Act address?
A solution for the national monetary system and money to finance the Union war effort
What institutions could be chartered under the National Bank Act?
Federally-chartered banks