Exam 2 Flashcards
What were the Federalist-passed laws intended to limit foreign influence and weaken Republican strength?
The Alien and Sedition Acts
What was the Jay Treaty?
A treaty with Great Britain regarding the policy of impressment and several other matters
What was the Judiciary Act of 1801?
A law that created several new judgeships and other positions such as marshals and justices of the peace. It was an attempt by the lame-duck Federalist Congress to control the Federal Judiciary
Who was John Adams’ nominee for Chief Justice?
John Marshall
When did George Washington first take the presidential oath?
What is the name of the heads of the executive departments?
What did Alexander Hamilton want?
Rule by the elite and a strong central government
Who served as Vice President under John Adams?
Thomas Jefferson
What did James Madison and Thomas Jefferson write in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts?
The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, which raised serious questions about the laws
In what state did the Whiskey Rebellion take place and what was it about?
Pennsylvania. It was about farmers not wanting to pay the new whiskey tax
How did Washington respond to the war that began in Europe?
He issued a statement of neutrality
What was an attempt by the French to obtain a bribe from American diplomats?
The XYZ Affair
Who was the first president to live in the White House?
John Adams
What was the Pinckney Treaty?
A treaty which ended Spanish claims in the South and guaranteed American access to New Orleans
What did Hamilton propose concerning a national financial system?
The creation of a national bank
What was the body that determined the outcome of the election of 1800 (Thomas Jefferson vs Aaron Burr)?
The House of Representative, under the influence of Alexander Hamilton
What did Jefferson call his election in 1800?
The Revolution of 1800
Who were the leaders of the Corps of Discovery?
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark
What was the name of the Indian translator for the Corps of Discovery?
What was the home state of the three President who served from 1801-1825?
What was outlawed during Jefferson’s term in office
Importation of slaves
Who was an influential Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court?
John Marshall
What city was invaded and burned by the British during the War of 1812?
Washington D.C.
What was the name of the last battle of the War of 1812?
The Battle of New Orleans
What canal connected Buffalo and New York City?
The Erie Canal
Which of the original thirteen colonies and states allowed slavery at some point?
All of them
Which founding father was concerned about the Missouri Compromise because it introduced slavery as an issue of national policy?
Thomas Jefferson
Where did the Missouri Compromise ban slavery?
In the Louisiana Territory north of the 36o30’ latitude line, except for Missouri itself
What were two main elements of the Monroe Doctrine?
First, European nations should not consider any areas of the western hemisphere as subject to future colonization, and second, the U.S. would not interfere with any existing European colonies in the hemisphere and would not become involved in European wars
John Quincy Adams was the principal architect of what policy?
The Monroe Doctrine
Who won the most votes and the most electoral votes in the 1824 election? Who became president?
Andrew Jackson. John Quincy Adams
What made Jackson a national hero?
His victory at the Battle of New Orleans
What public office did Adams fill after he was President?
Congressman from Massachusetts
To whom was the former Rachel Donelson married to when Jackson met her?
Lewis Robards
Who was a prominent politician from the West who was a rival of Jackson?
Henry Clay
What happened to William Henry Harrison soon after he took office?
He died of pneumonia after giving a long speech in bad weather without a hat
Over what trail did settlers travel from Independence, Missouri, to what is now the American northwest?
The Oregon Trail
Who believed that states could nullify Federal laws
John C. Calhoun
Who were the two major party candidates for President in 1844?
Democrat James Polk and Whig Henry Clay
Who received a land grant from the Mexican government?
Moses Austin
Who encouraged people to settle in Texas?
Stephen F. Austin
Who was Old Kinderhook?
Martin Van Buren
Who was the President that was cast out of the Whig Party?
John Tyler
How was slavery in the ancient world different from slavery in the United States?
It was not based on skin color. Slaves were usually captives from war and were well-educated
What was the legal standing of slaves in the United States?
They were considered property and had no legal rights
What was Nat Turner’s rebellion?
A rebellion by slaves in Virginia in which the slaves killed many whites
What was the newspaper begun by William Lloyd Garrison and what was its tone?
The Liberator. Its tone was uncompromising in calling for immediate abolition
Why did most immigrants not move to the South?
Because they would have to compete with slave labor
Why did so many Irish come to America?
Many came because of the potato famine in Ireland
What was the goal of the American Colonization Society?
To resettle slaves in Africa
What was the American Party sometimes called?
The Know-Nothing Party
What was a key factor in the growth of railroads?
Government assistance
List the first 11 Presidents of the United States in order
- George Washington
- John Adams
- Thomas Jefferson
- James Madison
- James Monroe
- John Quincy Adams
- Andrew Jackson
- Martin Van Buren
- William Henry Harrison
- John Tyler
- James K. Polk