Unit 10 Flashcards
How was slavery in the ancient world different from slavery in the United States?
It was not based on skin color. Slaves were usually captives from war and were well-educated
Under what conditions were slaves brought to America?
Horrible conditions on slave ships
What was the legal standing of slaves in the United States?
They were considered property and had no legal rights
What was the response of many slaves to the Christian faith?
Many slaves accepted the gospel, seeing themselves as being like the Israelites in Egypt
How were free blacks treated?
With prejudice and discrimination. Some were seized as suspected slaves
What was the South’s preferred way of handling the issue of slavery?
Not to talk about it
How was slavery seen politically?
As a state issue, not a Federal one
What was the goal of the American Colonization Society?
To resettle slaves in Africa
What were two abolitionist newspapers published prior to 1831?
The Manumission Intelligencer and The Genius of Universal Emancipation
What was the newspaper begun by William Lloyd Garrison and what was its tone?
The Liberator. Its tone was uncompromising in calling for immediate abolition
What slaves plotted rebellions prior to 1831?
Gabriel and Denmark Vesey
What was Nat Turner’s rebellion?
A rebellion by slaves in Virginia in which the slaves killed many whites
What was the reaction among white southerners to the Nat Turner rebellion?
To defend slavery more and to limit the rights of free blacks
What Illinois editor became a martyr for the abolitionist cause?
Elijah Lovejoy
Over what question did the abolitionist movement divide?
Over how and whether to include women in the movement
What was the impact of abolitionism?
Many whites gradually changed their view about slavery. Many abolitionists were frustrated at the slow progress, but attitudes did change over time
How did the American population shift in the first half of the 1800s?
Population spread west, and cities grew
What were three inventions that helped farming?
The steel-tipped plow, the reaper, and the cotton gin
How did cotton growing spread and what was the effect of this spread?
It spread west taking the plantation system and slavery with it
What town became a center for textile mills?
Lowell, Massachusetts
How did millworks change American society?
People, especially young women, left home to work in the mills
How did workers try to exercise power?
By organizing unions
What was a key factor in the growth of railroads?
Government assistance
What were minstrel shows?
White performers in blackface portraying blacks
Why did so many Irish come to America?
Many came because of the potato famine in Ireland
What was the center of a typical Irish neighborhood?
The Roman Catholic parish church
How did politicians take advantage of the Irish?
By giving them favors in exchange for their votes
What characterized many German immigrants?
Education, professional status, often having a good bit of money
To where did many Scandinavian immigrants move?
To the Midwest
What was the American Party sometimes called?
The Know-Nothing Party
What does God care about more than material success?
How might God view people and events in American history differently from the way secular historians do?
God considers the heart and whether people are faithful to Him