Unit 21 Flashcards
Who were the Democratic and Republican presidential nominees in 1920?
Republican Warren G. Harding and Democrat James Cox
Who were the vice presidential nominees in 1920?
Republican Calvin Coolidge and Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt
Who were the two major party candidates in 1924?
Republican Calvin Coolidge and Democrat John Davis
What farm pricing system did the McNairy-Haugen Bill Propose?
A parity pricing system
What complicated war debt and reparation payments?
The difficulty Germany had in making reparation payments and the loss of trade caused by America’s high tariffs
What treaties did the Washington Armaments Conference lead to?
The Five-, Nine-, and Four-Power Treaties
What treaty called for the abstaining from war as an acceptable method of foreign relations and also allowing war in case of self-defense?
The Kellogg-Briand Pact (or the Treaty of Paris)
How much did the U.S. population grow over the decade of the 1920s?
From about 106 million to 123 million
What population shift was first indicated in 1920?
Urban population became greater than rural population
What changes in immigration laws were made in the 1920s?
The U.S. closed its gates to immigrants and Congress enacted a quota system (limiting the number of new comers in a given year) for European immigrants
What was the reaction to the changes in immigration?
It embittered first- and second-generation Americans and aroused resentment in the foreign countries affected by the restrictions
What sources of energy grew during the decade?
Coal, petroleum, and electricity
How did the strength of unions change during the 1920s?
It began to decline because of the perception that unions were potential troublemakers, and the need for collective bargaining was less pressing. It decreased from 12% of the work force in 1920 to 7% in 1930
What was the first talking movie?
The Jazz Singer
What was “the noble experiment”?
The prohibition of manufacturing, distributing, and selling of alcoholic beverages
What happened to the sale and consumption of liquor during Prohibition?
It went underground, people began smuggling it into the country, and secret bars (called speakeasies) served it regularly
What kind of people became involved in the liquor business?
What living pattern change did the black population undergo during this period?
They became less rural, more urban, and they migrated north
What group to help blacks was founded in 1910?
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
Who was the leading proponent of black nationalism?
Marcus Garvey
What group’s rebirth troubled blacks, Jews, Catholics, and other minorities?
The Ku Klux Klan
The Great War touched off what attitude in many young people during the 1920s?
Attitudes of despair and disillusionment in many of the younger generations
What scientific theories challenged the traditional way of looking at the world?
The theory of relativity, the quantum theory of physics, and the uncertainty principle
Who were the two major party candidates for President in 1928?
Republican Herbert Hoover and Democrat Alfred E. Smith
What two issues swirled around the Democrat Alfred E. Smith?
The fact that he favored either cutting back or eliminating Prohibition, and that he was a Roman Catholic
What long-term impact in the party came from the Smith’s candidacy?
It helped build the urban base of the Democratic Party that it is today
What created a $500 million fund to help cooperatives store and market crops in order to provide price stability for farmers?
The Agriculture Marketing Act
What date saw a 13% loss of value in the stock market?
October 29, 1929 (also known as Black Tuesday)
What raised tariffs to their highest level in history to protect businesses from foreign competition?
The Hawley-Smoot Bill
What did the Reconstruction Finance Corporation do?
It made loans to banks and large businesses to keep them stable
What did the Bonus Expeditionary Force want?
Immediate payment of a bonus that had been promised to them in the form of life insurance
Who led the break-up of the Bonus Army’s camp?
General Douglas MacArthur