What is research?
A systematic process of investigation and study carried out with the aim of advancing knowledge.
What is sports analytics?
Studying data from sports performances to try to improve performance.
What is Quantitative data?
Data that can be written down or measured precisely and numerically.
What is Qualitative data?
Data that are descriptive and look at the way people think or feel.
What is Objective Data?
Fact-based information which is measurable and usable (e.g. the level achieved on the multi-stage fitness test which links to a V)2 max score)
What is subjective data?
Information based on personal opinion, which is less measurable and often less usable.
For example, more opinions, emotions and beliefs.
What is Validity?
An indication of whether the data collected actually measure what they claim to measure.
What is Reliability?
Refers to the degree to which data collection is consistent and stable over time.
What is Video motion analysis?
A technique used to get information about moving objects from a video.
Can lead to improving your performance while also looking at your biomechanics (movement).
What is Notational match analysis?
Notational match analysis is used to record aspects of individual/team performance. It takes place through the study of movement patterns, strategy and tactics in a variety of different sports. It is used by coaches he’s and sport scientists to gather objective data on the performance of athletes.
What is Biomechanics?
Biomechanics is used to analyse the sporting g impact of body movements. It involves quantitative-based study and analysis of sports activities. It is sometimes called kinematics - the study of the motion of bodies with respect to time, displacement, velocity and speed of movement.
What is Performance analysis?
The provision of objective feedback to performers trying to effect a positive change in their performance. Feedback can be gained on a variety of performance indicators, including the number of passes made, distance run in km, number of shots attempted etc.
What is GPS (global Positioning system)?
A space-based navigation system that provides location and time information?
What is software?
Computer software is any set of machine-readable instructions which direct a computer’s processor to performer specific operations.
What is G forces?
Forces acting on the body as a result of acceleration or gravity (e3.g) the G-load/force of an American football ‘hit’ on an opponent)