Exam practice questions Flashcards

paper 1


Compare the pre-industrial game of mob football and real tennis?


Throughout society there was a clear class divide between the upper and lower class and this was particularly shown through sport. In particular MOB football was predominantly played by the lower class due to many factors. Firstly, mob football was very violent meaning that it was not played by a high moral code. Secondly, it was also mainly played by young males and women were not involved due to their being such a high chance of injury and in some circumstanced even death. Likewise injuries occurred due to most people in the lower. lass being illiterate which meant that rules were not written down and so very few rules were created. A final point about MOB football was that it was very localised due to transport being limited for the lower class and so matches and games were created through word of mouth. Consequently, this meant they were played on any local pitch they could find. On the other hand, Real Tennis was played by the upper class and contained a high moral code which meant things such as sportsmanship occurred often. Secondly, there were many rules and regulations due to people of the upper class being literate. As a result, people could understand the rules. Thirdly, unlike MOB football real tennis was played in purposefully built facilities across the country due to the upper class having a high access to transport. A final difference between MOB football and real tennis is that real tennis is that to play it you had to have a very high sills set. This is because, it was a very challenging game and took lots of practice to play it.

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The launch of the diamond league athletics events in 2010 introduced large cash prizes into the sport. This was one of many factors which changed the status of track and field athletes post world war 2 to present.

Evaluate what impact the changing stats of track and field athletes has had on the sport of athletics.


One positive impact the changing status of track and field athletes has had on the sport of athletics is it has encourage more people to take part meaning participation levels have increased. Similarly, the sport has become more serious over the past few years and is now classified as a professional sport due to it becoming a lot more competitive. On the other hand, due to it becoming very competitive it may lead to some athletes taking performance enhancing drugs causing inequality between the performers. As a result, if the athletes taking drugs are not caught results may be unfair and timings should be stripped from the records.

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In 2018 Alexis Sanchez became the highest earner in the premier league with a reported wage of 350k per week.

Evaluate the impact that wages associated with modern day professionalism in association football has on the status and motivation of players.


When players earn higher wages it can increase their individual status and portfolio meaning that potential brand and endorsement deals may also occur. However, this may negatively impact the motivation of the individual who is earning very high wages. This is because, when certain players earn such money it may cause them to be lazy due to them being guaranteed a certain wage. Likewise the actual level of the sport may decrease due to less people training as hard and even trying their best in games. As a result linking this to the fans and spectators they may not pay as much money to come and watch a game due to them deeming it as a waste of their money. As well as this the professionalism of the player may decrease and they may become arrogant and rude towards other players on the team. This occurs very often in modern day football as we see more and more young players getting carried away with earning such large amounts of money. On the other hand, there are potential positives of earning such high money. Due to the individual being put more in the spotlight it means that if their professionalism remains high they can begin to influence certain individuals. For example, by consistently working hard even on such money other people will begin to try and follow in their foot steps. Likewise, not only does it increase motivation but it can also increase competition. This is because, more people will want to start earning such high wages which means that they will try and compete at a greater level with players such as Sanchez. Consequently, this can increase the level of performance across the squad and also makes matches more entertaining for spectators and following fans.

Motivation can be intrinsic or extrinsic.

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Evaluate whether social changes have increase participation in football amongst all ethnic groups.


Role models

One positive of social change which has increased participation in football amongst ethnic groups is due go their being more role models. Therefore, there is a greater variety of different ethnic groups participating at all levels. However, a negative of this is people may experience things such as racism which is sadly seen often in this day and age. Consequently, less people may want to participate. Another positive of this is due to there being more social changes it may mean that there are greater opportunities for more people of certain ethnic groups. This is because, more football clubs in certain areas are being introduced. However, a final negative of this is that language barriers may still exist and stop ethnic groups being able to access football.

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Explain how very clear distinctions were maintained between social classes during the 19th and early 20th centuries in terms of their participation in sport and physical activity?


Firstly, there was still a huge class divide which separated the upper and lower class. Firstly, the lower class were restricted from certain facilities meaning there was very little contact between the upper and lower class. Secondly, Membership fees were increased constantly meaning that the lower class couldn’t afford it. Consequently, this limited the amount of working class members who could afford to play. Thirdly, there was the use of amateur rules and regulations for competitions in order to prevent professionals from being included and competing. Likewise, the professionals would have been payed to play whereas the amateurs wouldn’t have. Therefore, you could see the clear class divide. Similarly, certain sports were classified as upper class sports like tennis meaning the lower class couldn’t play because it was exclusive.

Only amateur competitions.

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Suggest why many National Governing Bodies, such as the football association, were established in the 19th century.


Codify the rules
Events and competitions
Sports were becoming more popular
Old boys who came out of uni and wanted to participate

Sports were becoming more popular due to lots of people participating. Likewise more and more clubs were being formed meaning that there was a need for competitions and events to be formed so that they had other teams to play. Thirdly, the working class established their own control. Sports also needing organising and have an administrative structure towards it.

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Suggest how the role of working class women changed between the late 19th century and the middle of the 20th century and how this affected their participation in recreational and sporting activities.


domestic responsibilities for women in the late 19th century.
WW1 status increased/ did mens jobs e.g factories/ proved their worth
Less emphasis on domestic roles
More physical education in schools meaning girls and boys could participate
More freedom - mobility / clothing / leisure time

Still very restricted compared to middle classes and men
Accepted firstly by middle class ladies - late working classes
But more schools/provision of PE/ clubs / teams / became available
More competitive opportunities.

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By the beginning of the 20th century, football had become a popular sport with working class populations in urban areas.

Suggest reasons for the decline of mob football games and their replacement by this modern form of sport.


One reason is due to the introduction of the national governing bodies meaning they had more control over rules and regulations. Therefore, mob games were banned due to them being too dangerous. Similarly, there was a lack of space due to urbanisation meaning there was a need for more of a need for purposeful built facilities. Encouraged for spectators.
Increased disposable income so more people could travel.
More traditional football teams being set up meaning more need for competitions and games to be set up.
MOB games wouldn’t be tolerated due to them disturbing civilisation.

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Explain how lawn tennis helped the emancipation of women in the late 19th century.


Lawn tennis was the main traditional sport that linked men and women playing the same sport. Therefore, this gave the women more opportunities to play more consistently due to them being seen as equal to the men. Similarly, lawn tennis was not a violent sport meaning that it could be introduced to both men and women at all ages. Consequently, it was seen as a social sport. Could have also removed the stereotypes for women. Women were fully clothes when playing while also playing the sport in privacy so other people couldn’t see it. Could also been played at school (educational purposes).

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Explain the impact of each of they following social and cultural factors on the development and spread of rational recreation during the 19th century

public provisions


Urbanisation was the movement of people in rural areas to more built up towns and cities looking for better quality of life which usually lead to working in factories. As a result of this it meant that there was little rural land in the cities to play games which needed large areas of open space such as MOB football. Therefore, this meant that past popular recreations had to be adapted and were now called popular recreations.

Factory owners created teams so did churches. More leagues and teams developed.

Secondly, public provisions were organisations such as schools who supplied children and other people with opportunities to take part In sport. Therefore, we saw the introduction of physical education into school curriculums which gave children access to a variety of sports. Similarly, the national governing bodies also links into this as they created and ,managed a variety of fixtures for different teams and schools.

Increase in parks, baths etc to increase participation in sport. increase hygiene of middle class. More people would participate because wanted to be fit.

Finally, communications. Communication included transport and also getting across fixtures through either word of mouth or through things such as newspapers. In the 19th century communications improved massively and allowed the working class to travel more frequently. Consequently, this allowed them to travel to rational recreations further away and also promoted more spectators to get up and go and watch.

Roles models
Different types of transport for them to travel
Development of roads - other sports such as cycling

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Explain how the middle classes supported the developments in sports during the 19th century.


The middle classes supported the developments in sport during the 19th century by increasing participation levels in sport. This is because, the middle classes were usually wealthy factory owners which meant that they offered more flexible working hours. As a result, the working class had more free time to participate.

Middle class were the national governing bodies to still have power over the working class

Implemented rules and regulations

Increase higher moral code

Helped with the development of facilities like public provisions.

Set up leagues, could have been implemented with the church.

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What is meant by the term rational recreations?


Rational recreations were British sport past times which had been adapted due to them being too violent for modern society. Therefore, this meant that this created a higher moral code of sport due to greater rules and regulations being implemented from the national governing bodies. Consequently, MOB games such as MOB football had now been banned due to its mannerism and violence.

Written rules down
fixtures played more frequently
Higher skilled based

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Why were the majority of sports rationalised in the 19th century.


One reason why was because they were violent and led to many injuries which put people out of physical activity for a very long time. Secondly, popular recreations were also very male dominated which meant that it limited female participation. As a result, to increase female participation they rationalised the sports for them to become inclusive for everybody.

Society became more civilised
Upper and middle class wanted social control of the working class
Industrialisation - need for discipline

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Define the term discrimination?


Discrimination is the negative outlook and act upon an individual or certain group. For example, this can include, stereotyping, racism other factors.

Treat people unfairly, prejudice
Overt and covert discrimination

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Explain the impact of this type of campaign on society “Lets kick racism out”


Racism is an occurring problem that happens in modern day sport and campaigns such as let’s kick racism out are helping to stop it completely. Firstly, this type of campaign gives more knowledge to society and aims to get sports to be more inclusive. Similarly, this gives people of a different background more confidence to go and join new groups and teams as they know that they have protection against it. Consequently, this is increasing the participation levels of a more diverse background as they are experiencing less stereotyping and racism.

Raises awareness of issues in society - done through high profile sport.

Campaign educates people

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Define the term equal opportunity.


Equal opportunity means that no matter what your background is or ethnicity you will still have the same opportunities as everyone else. Likewise, this means that individuals will not experience racism or stereotyping. Therefore, being able to join any team they want.
Meaning it is becoming more inclusive.


Why have the opportunities for participation in activities such as climbing increased for people with disabilities?


One reason why this is is because there has been an increase in technology for people with disabilities. Therefore, the equipment being used is a lot better which allows them to climb. Similarly, the climbing staff will have also had training as to how to deal with people with disabilities which means they will get equal opportunity. Consequently, increasing participation levels throughout the sport due to it being more inclusive.

Improved technology

Identified as a lower participating group so an area where they wanted to adapt

More coaches

More role models


Define the terms society and socialisation


The term society means a group of individuals living together in a structured community - they also share similar interests (specific interests)
On the other hand, socialisation is the mixing and socialising with others to learn behavioural traits that are accepted in society. Process where you learn your norm values and ideas plus the roles in society.

Two types of socialisation - primary and secondary
Primary - early years, childhood, mainly formed through family.
Secondary - become older - grow up with friends, socialising with other adults.


Why has the government in the UK become increasingly involved in developing specific policies to encourage participation in sport?


One reason why the UK have become more involved to encourage participation in sport is due to it relieves pressure off of the NHS. This is because, the more people involved in sport will mean more people will become fitter and healthier. Therefore, there will be less people going into healthcare for certain health problems due to them being healthier. Another reason why is because, the UK want to be the most competitive country in the world. This is because, the UK will want to find athletes to compete in future events such as the Olympics. By doing so this will increase the chances of the country having greater success. A third reason is because, it supplies the children with a sense of education. For example, by implementing sport into your school curriculum (pe) it allows the child to understand how the body works so they can identify where they may be going wrong.

Health - Obesity
Increase medal winners
Sport is seen as an important part in society
Reduces crime rates as it gives social control.


Name three policies that sport England has developed to encourage increased participation in sport?


Coaching for teachers
Sports development officers
Grow sustain excel - Stay start, succeed
Playground to podium / step into sport
Plan / develop sport facilities according to need pf a local area
Active programme / active schools / active communities / active sports / world class.


Identify some of the INITATIVES that sport England has developed in order to achieve its objective of grow, sustain, excel


Step into sport

Sustainable facilities

Active sports / schools / communities programme

Innovation fund

Society now has a number of sport colleges

Number of different best values -
Free swimming programme
Women’s cycling network
Street games
Sport England small grants programme
Sporting champions


What is meant by the term stereotyping and inclusiveness?


Stereotyping is the pre believed conception of an individual based on their belief causing you to act differently towards them. - simplistic generalisation

Whereas inclusiveness means that you will include any individual no matter what their ethnic background looks like.

Can be linked to discrimination


Describe the features of a Sportive project?


Lottery funded and ran by sport England

Aimed at 14 - 25 year olds

6-8 weeks from coaching or subsidies coaching

Supports continued involvement after the project/exit routes to clubs

Inclusive to all/targets to a variety of different social groups/disabilities/ethnic minority groups / disengaged with sport.


Describe ways in which some social groups such as women, those with a disability or disadvantaged groups are discriminated in sport.


One way that they are discriminated against in sport is by being not being included in certain sports due to their accessibility. This is because, players and cop cues may not adapt the session for someone with a disability meaning that they are missing out due to their peers. Another reason is due to stereotyping. For example, women may be seen as less competitive compared to men due to their being less media coverage. Therefore, women don’t have as many role models to look up to for them to believe that they can compete at any level. Likewise, people with disabilities also experience a lack of role models. People may experience racism, sexism and also experience verbal abuse due to these factors.
Fewer competitions for people with disabilities.
More cresses


Using an example from sport, describe the term ‘social change’


Social change is the change in things such as human interactions and different relation ships across a community to be better. For example, in sport mens football was sometimes deemed as more entertaining compared to women’s football. However, there has now been a social change where the women’s game is seen as being on the same level as the mens game.

Kick 4 life - initiative that has been put in place trying to use football to bring in social change in deprived areas.


Consider how commercialisation and the improvement in technology for sports analytics have affected performance in the 100 meters at the Olympic Games.


Commercialisation is by using different media and advertising techniques to make capital gain through sport. Similarly, sports analytics is the collecting of data and studying with the aim of improving their understanding. Firstly, as shown in the table above the time it has taken to complete the 100m sprint has decreased due to many factors. One factor is due to the improvements of technology. In particular, the equipment used by the running athletes would have improved massively compared to the years 1952 and 2016. For example, the introduction of carbon fibre sole plates create a greater spring for the athlete which allows them to generate more force running quicker. Secondly, by using commercialisation there would have been the increase in sponsorships for athletes. As a result, this allows the performer to have better training equipment and purposefully built facilities allowing them to improve rapidly. A third point would also be due to data analysis. Compared to 1952 where there would be minimal videoing, performers in 2016 would be able to watch back performances and with high quality coaches they would be able to improve their running mechanics. Linking this back to commercialisation they would be able to advertise for high end coaching staff to give the performer the best running technique for their suited style.

Commercialisation - selling of a product for profit

Reliability and viability

National lottery funding

Anomaly - running track

Running gates - timing gates have been introduced - better timing accuracy


Explain how very clear distinctions were maintained between social classes during the 19th and early 20th centuries in terms of their participation in sport and physical activity?


Firstly, between the upper class and lower class there were clear distinctions between the amount of access they were given in sport. For example, the upper class would have high ranking and private sporting clubs which would not allow access to someone of the lower class. As well as this, in certain sports it limited the amount of participation from the lower class in sport due it giving them less opportunities. Likewise, the lower class would participate in more physical contact games compared to the upper class who would endeavour in classier games such as real tennis or golf. This is also due to the level of coaching given to the two classes as the upper class predominantly had more skill due to the better level of teaching received.

Would be lawn tennis between the 19th-20th century.

Membership fees remained high so lower classes couldn’t afford

insufficient time for lower class.


Suggest why many national governing bodies, such as the football association were established in the 19th century.


Firstly, national governing bodies were established by the middle class who saw there was a lack of rules and regulations in sport for the lower class. Similarly, national governing bodies also recognised that there was a lack of organised matches and games for many local teams. Consequently, they decided to set up things such as tournaments, a league or even friendly matches for local teams to increase the participation of sport. Thirdly, National Governing Bodies also supplied greater opportunities by providing funding for people who were not able to afford certain equipment. For example, certain individuals were given national lottery funding to complete both their education but also linking it with their desired sport. As a result, this was also so we would have greater medal winners in the olympics.

Old boys wanting to continue to participate - established the national governing. bodies.


During the period 1860 to 1900, Many sports became more developed and organised.

Identity the social economic and/or political changes that helped to bring this about.


Firstly, in this time there was the increase in more factories being built. Consequently, this meant that urbanisation occurred due to the lower class looking for better quality of life. As a result, this also brought about a greater understanding of the hierarchy due to their being the creation of the middle class. Likewise, this also brought about change in the fact that there was an increase in rules and regulations meaning that sports became more organised. Another factor which links to social economic is people had greater wages.

Increase number of teams being built
Improved transportation
Lack of space
Banned MOB games
Concern of welfare for lower classes


By the beginning of the 20th century, football had become a popular sport with working class populations in urban areas.

Suggest reasons for the decline of mob games and their replacement by this modern form of sport.


One reason for the decline of mob games was due to the introduction of the national governing bodies/middle class. This is due to the fact that they had deemed mob games as being too violent and in some cases fatality had occurred. Likewise, mob games were very male dominated which meant that the participation of women was minimal. Consequently, women were now seen as been just as capable as men to be involved physical activity but could not do so in mob games. A third reason is also due to the lack of space available. MOB games were performed over a large scale of ground and due to urbanisation occurring it meant there was a lot less space. Therefore, more indoor facilities were built limiting the amount of space for mob games.

Ex-public school boys set up teams via factories/ church in which working class could participate.

Commercialisation of football provided the basis for professional teams / players

Majority encourages to become spectators / increased disposable income

Development of urban areas destroyed traditional village rivalries on which mob games were based.