Pre Industrialised Britain Flashcards
How many years ago was pre industrial Britain?
242 years ago
What was life like in pre industrial Britain
1- Class Division was very clear - upper class, lower class. Based on feudal system
2- People lived in the countryside/rural areas.
3- There was limited free time as work was based on land and dictated by agricultural seasons
4- Cruel and violent existence was more lower class and upper class lived more in luxury and comfort.
5- Wide spread illiteracy - lower classes were unable to read and write compared to upper class.
6- Communications and transport were limited
Remember the 4’c
clear class divide
what was sport called pre industrial Britain?
popular recreation
What is the feudal system?
Way of structuring society around a relationship between holding land and service of labour.
What are popular recreations?
Sport and past times of pre industrial Britain
When did popular recreations occur?
Didn’t happen often because people worked so hard so very occasional and therefore restricted to annual events. Events include - Religion
Upper class - wider range, can get to different sports
Lower class, couldn’t commute as far so more local sports. Would have been more natural resources
Lower class very illiterate - nothing in writing so made things more difficult, no officials and known as mob games
What were popular recreations like?
1- Aggressive sports
2- More male dominant
3- Lots of damage to property
4- Lots of injuries
What were the upper class known as compared to the lower class with pre industrial Britain?
Upper class - Gentry
Lower class - Peasants
Activities would have been different
What class was MOB football played by?
Lower class reflects the clear division
Where was MOB football played?
Localised to close towns as communications were little, newspapers had little development so was mainly word of mouth
What was MOB football played with?
Was played in fields with natural resources - pig bladder instead of leather footballs.
When was MOB football played?
Due to long working hours this meant that it was played occasional and more on holy days eg. shrove Tuesday
What was MOB football like?
It was male dominated and very violent meaning that women were not involved. Very little rules due to illiteracy rates being very very low as it was the lower class.