TST chapter 9 Flashcards
When a fire is burning in a building , the IC has two choices….
- allow the building to burn and use the on scene resources to protect any exposures
- order a search of the building an aggressive interior attack on the fire.
forcible entry
techniques used by fire personnel to gain entry into buildings,vehicles aircraft,or other area of confinement when normal means of entry are locked or blocked
one of the most important and most versatile forcible
entry tool is?
the rotary saw,sometimes referred to as a rescue saw
Rotary saw blades …replace 12 tooth woodcutting blade when
two or more teeth are damaged or worn down more than the other teeth or when the tips are worn down to the circumference of the blade.
Rotary saw blade….replace 24 tooth woodcutting
blade when
eight or more teeth are damaged or worn excessively, or the tips are worn down to the circumference of the blade
Rotary saw composite concrete or metal cutting blade…replace
when they have been worn down sufficiently for the blade to fit inside a 8- inch circle
Door 5- point size up
- Type of door [style /material]
*Type of frame around the door [wood/metal]
*Type of wall into which it is set [ wood
*Types of hinges/locks [exposed/recessed/protected]
*Door movement (swinging [inward/outward]/roll-
Tempered glass
type of glass specially treated to become harder and more break-resistant than plate glass or single sheet of laminated glass…most used in side windows or rear windows
solid core door
entire door filled with solid material
Panic hardware
hardware mounted on the exit doors in public buildings that unlocks from the inside and enables doors to be opened when pressure is applied to release mechanism
groove cut in the surface or on the edge of a doard to receive another member
to force open all doors into a structure when there is significant fire inside
sometimes its called softening the building
most common method of cutting through a roll up or sheet curtain door is
cut a large triangular cut (sometimes called a tepee cut) in the center of the door
in this type of cut the base of the triangular is 6 feet apart with 45 degree cuts that meet at top
movable part of a deadbolt that extends from the lock mechanism into the door frame to secure the door into locked position
window size up
*type of window
*type of glass
*type of frame or casement
*type of locking or latching mechanism
*type of security devices in use
Lexan window
polycarbonate plastic used for windows it has one-half the weight of piece of glass yet 30 times stronger than safety glass and 250 times stronger than glass
laminated glass
glass consisting of 2 layersof glass with transparent layer of vinyl bonded into the center
Types of exterior walls ( 4 types)
oriented strand board (OSB)
construction material made up of small wooden pieces bonded together tp bond sheets
horizontal layer of individual masonry bricks