RST chapter 6 Flashcards
Fire behavior indicators
- little or no visible flame
- inwardly drawn smoke(sucking phenomenon)
- confined or excessive heat in windowless buildings
- blistered paint
- color of flame
- smoke-stained windows with heat-induced cracking
of glass - pressurized smoke exiting small openings
- black smoke becoming dense gray-yellow
- smoke leaving building in puffs
primary search
rapid but thorough search to determine the location of victims, performed before or during fire suppresion operations
secondary search
slow thorough search to ensure that no occupants were overlooked during the primary search, conducted after the fire is under control.
VEIS (vent,enter,isolate, search)
suspected of probable that a victim is present in a specific room or compartment within the structure and there is a direct access point to enter room…typically a window.
considerations when choosing transitional attack
- arrival conditions
- location, size, and extent of fire
- available resources ( quantity and experience)
- size of structure
- structural features that may affect exterior suppression (such as deck or balcony)
fire behavior indicators
- volume of smoke discharge
- location of smoke discharge
- smoke color,density and volecity
- type pf flow at ventilation opening
- location of neutral planeat ventilation opening.
weather conditions
- wind
- temperature
- atmospheric pressure
- precipitation
- relative humidity
negative pressure ventilation
is the oldest type of mechanical ventilation….personnel use a smoke ejectors to expel (pull) smoke from structure by developing artificial air flow
considerations for negative - pressure ventilation
- typically not used to support fire attack
- requires smaller windows or openings that can be sealed around fan
- not to be used in a flammable environment
personnel required for search and rescue and firefighting operations in a high rise…
is often four to six times as great as required for a fire typical low-rise building
salvage defined as….
methods and procedures that firefighters use in an attempt to save property and reduce further damage from water ,smoke, heat, and exposure