RST chapter 2 Flashcards
plot plan
architectural drawing showing the overall project layout of building areas, driveways , fences,fire hydrants and landscape features
common survey form
*occupancy info
*water supply to include estimated fire flow
*location of utility shut offs
*roof construction and ventilation system and tactical challenges
multi story or large building survey form
*building system controls ( fire alarms,elevator, and smoke control)
*number of stories
*occupant egress plan
*FDC and standpipe location
interior survey pattern
is a matter of personal preference, most people prefer to start on the top floor
automatic aid
is a formal ,written agreement between jursidictions that share a common bond
mutual aid
a recriprocal agreement between two or more fire emergency services
structure composed of basic building materials
- structural frame
- load bearing walls
- nonloading bearing walls
- floor construction
- roof construction
type l construction
composed of noncombustible materials that posses a high fire resistance rating
type ll construction
composed of materials that will not contribute to fire development or spread
type lll construction
exterior walls be noncombustible matrials, typically masonry ( older churches , schools, apartment buildings)
type lV construction
heavy timber construction (large dimension timder greater than 4 inches)
type V construction
woodframe (home)
collapse zone
height of the structure multiplied by a factor of 1 1/2
(ie. height of building is 30 feet….collapse zone 45 feet)
unprotected steel will expand and twist
when exposed to temperatures above 1000 degrees
common piched roof types