Humanistic therapies – ex: Rogers’ client-centered therapy
Rogers was all about self-actualization by fulfilling our unique
potential. What a therapist needs to do is show their client genuineness, acceptance, and
empathy. If I show a client these things, they will naturally grow.
Core conditions – genuineness, acceptance, empathy
Genuineness: authentic; being real.
Acceptance: people do best when they have unconditional positive regard. I accept your core
worth as a human even though I might disagree with some specific behaviors of yours.
Empathy: You can understand your client’s emotional state. Putting yourself in the emotional
framework that the client has.
Active listening:
restating what you client is saying to show that you are listening.
Trusting that the client can solve their own problems.
Insight therapies:
once you gain more awareness of something that you didn’t know
existed, your unconscious or childhood memories; if you gain more awareness of
yourself your symptoms will go away.
Cognitive & behavioral therapies-Behavioral
how you act. Work on learning principles operant and classical conditioning.
Cognitive & behavioral therapies- Counterconditioning
Counter conditioning (classical conditioning): end up replacing a nonadoptive conditioned response with an adaptive conditioned response. creating a postive association with stimulus.
Counterconditioning - exposure therapies,
Learning anew response to a prior fearful response. Repeatedly exposing a client to more tools to deal with it. Putting fear and relaxation together.
Counterconditioning - systematic desensitization
learned relaxation, then we have them constructing
anxiety hierarchy. Situations that they think would inspire more or less fear in them. Gradually working up the anxiety hierarchy. If you can repeatedly relax when facing anxiety provoking stimuli you can gradually eliminate your anxiety
Token economies:
building an economy for engaging in a behavior that you want
to see more off. Operant conditioning. Earning a gold star if you sit with making
trouble. Earning rewards for acting a certain way.
Cognitive therapy:
How we think. trying to alter thoughts. Teaches people more adaptive ways of thinking
Cognitive restructuring:
replacing stress inducing thoughts with more balanced
thoughts that dol not produce stress. If a person does poorly on an exam instead of
saying this will be awful forever you say this is one exam from one class and I have
other exams that I will be able to take and i have the resources where I can handle this
so I will be okay
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
: Combine these together to engage in new
behavioral techniques. Aims to alter not only the way people think but also the way
they act.