Intelligence Exam 3 Flashcards
the mental potential to learn from experience, solve problems and to use your knowledge to adapt to new situations.
Measuring intelligence:
a method for assessing an individuals mental aptitudes and comparing that with those of others, using numerical scores.
Binet’s scoring – mental age
A measure of intelligence test performance by Binet. Level of performance typically associated with children of a certain chronological age. a child who does well as an average 8-year-old is said to have a mental age of 8.
B. Modern intelligence tests (WAIS) & scoring
Widely used individual intelligence test. Helps identify those who could benefit from special education opportunities for improvement
Deviation IQ:
68% of people score within h15 point of 100.
95% of all people fall within 30 points of 100.
Validity of intelligence testing
intelligence correlate to socially helpful things. They tend to do better at school, higher performance, tend to be happier and live longer.
General (g) intelligence factor – Spearman
Spearmen: suggested that intelligence can be represented well enough with one simple factor which is general intelligence factor.
General intelligence factor:
all specific intelligences have a general common factor. If you play a certain sport, you are more inclined to do more than one. If yore good at this this, you’re going to tend to be better at this too.
B. Multiple intelligences – ex: Sternberg’s triarchic,
Sternberg thinks there’s three types of intelligences: analytic, creative, and practical.
identifying strategies and coming up with a strategy to define them. School smart
People who can come up with novel solution that most people don’t see. Poets, musicians, sculptures.
: people who can implement solution in everyday world settings. Street smart.
Emotional intelligence
recognizing your emotions, and people’s emotions and using those emotions into a productive way, to help you adapt to the world.
Hierarchical models – fluid & crystallized intelligence
Dividing intelligence, levels of models. Sublevels can be useful too.
Fluid intelligence:
To think quickly about a new problem. Applying your brain to a new situation that you have never seen before.
Crystallized Intelligence:
Amount of knowledge you have already picked up, the ability to apply that knowledge that you have accumulated. Seeing how it fits into a new situation.