III. Schizophrenia:
Live in a private world, preoccupied with the strange ideas and images that
haunt them. The mind is split from reality.
Psychotic disorder: groups od disorder marked by irrational ideas sirted percetions and a loss of
contact with reality. Schizophrenia is an example of this.
Clinical features
1. Positive symptoms – delusions
false beliefs. Persecution: They feel people are talking about them, thy are bring watch in some way.
These are all positive because they are an addition.
Clinical features
1. Positive symptoms – , hallucinations
They think something is around them that isn’t. The most common is
hearing voices (oral).
These are all positive because they are an addition.
Clinical features
1. Positive symptoms – disorganized speech
: it can be hard to follow their train of thought. Each sentence has loose associations, reflecting disorganized thinking.
These are all positive because they are an addition.
Negative symptoms-Reduced emotional expression
people might be reporting things don’t look effected by
it. Reduced expression in emotion and their tone of voice.
Negative symptoms often tend to linger. Deficits, reduction in the mount of normal behaviors people tend to have.
Negative symptoms-Reduced Motivation:
Not being motivated to finish something.
Less of what we see in normal people.
Negative symptoms often tend to linger. Deficits, reduction in the mount of normal behaviors people tend to have.
Negative symptoms-Disorganized behavior:
Too much or too little of behaviors. Such as walking too
much in a disorganized pattern, constantly moving or rocking.
Negative symptoms often tend to linger. Deficits, reduction in the mount of normal behaviors people tend to have.
Biological causes
* Neuroanatomy – ventricles, frontal lobes
Tend to happen in men when they are in their early twenties and late twenties in women.
Bipolar and schizophrenia very likely to be heritable. Often runs in families and increases the
risk for inheriting it.
Making less dopamine helps those with schizophrenia,
They have large ventricles. Which is space filled with fluid rather than brain tissue it is in
enlarged with people who have schizophrenia.
Reduced frontal lobe activity and increased ventricle size.
Viral exposure: moms who develop flue in their second trimester; Kids born in winter or early
spring, have a slightly higher risk of schizophrenia. It might change something in their brain that
would put them at a higher risk to develop.
. Personality Disorders:
Any area of pattern of thinking or acting that leads to problems in
social functioning, or social relationships.
Personality disorder tend to form three Clusters – eccentric/odd, dramatic/impulsive,
anxious- Eccentric or odd
behaviors that seem different from other people in some way, or off in some way. Paranoid personality disorder: have a mindset where its very easy for them to
believe that people have something against them
Personality disorder tend to form three Clusters – eccentric/odd, dramatic/impulsive, anxious- dramatic/impulsive,
: larger than life. They have something called narcissistic personality disorder: those who have an excessive amount of self-worth, they exaggerate their accomplishments
Personality disorder tend to form three Clusters – eccentric/odd, dramatic/impulsive,
people with anxiety disorders in some way. Example of it is avoidant personality disorder: fairly easily convince themselves that they have very little to give in
relationships. They deal with that by avoiding close relationships. Seem to actively avoid
getting close to many people out of the feeling of lack of self-worth.
Antisocial personality disorder – features & causes
Folks who take advantage of the rights of other people and don’t seem ashamed of it. Lack of
conscious of taking advantage of other people. Manipulation for financial gain, bullying,
vandalizing. Tend to be very impulsive people. when they have a thought, they act on it
instead of restraining their impulses.
: less physiological reaction to fearful images. Don’t have a strong fear response
compared to those who don’t have antisocial personality disorder. They don’t learn from
fear as well as the rest of us. Less of likelihood to learn from punishment.
Certain parenting styles: Neglect parenting style and inconsistent discipline. Not
following through with punishment. Ex grounding not following through with what you
told them
Disorders: Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
Multiple personality disorder. The occurrence of two or more distinct identities withing the same
person. Symptom of this is memory lapses of certain events. Caused of extensive child abuse.
A response to abuse trying to get themselves out of reality to make themselves think that they
can endure a little but more.