Exam 2 lec 9 LEARNING & MEMORY Flashcards
an operant conditioning procedure in which reinforcers guide behavior toward closer and closer approximations of the desired behavior. Rewarding successive approximations to reinforce the responses that are closer to the desired behavior.
Reinforcement schedule:
a pattern that defines how often a desired response will be reinforced
Continuous reinforcement schedule:
reinforcing the desired response every time it occurs
(giving a reward for a dog every time they display desired behavior.
Partial reinforcement:
reinforcing a repose only part of the time, results in slower acquisition of a response but much greater resistance to extinction than does continuous reinforcement (Ex slot machines, reward machines reward gamblers occasionally and unpredictably)
Fixed interval schedules:
reinforce the first response after a fixed period. Paycheck
Variable interval schedules:
reinforcement for behavior after a random number of times. Checking phone for messages.
Fixed ratio schedule
reinforces behavior a after a set number of responses (coffee shops may reward us with a free drink after every 10 purchased)
Variable ratio schedules:
provide reinforces after a seemingly unpredictable number of responses. Gambling and lottery games.
Latent learning:
leaning that occurs but is not apparent until there is an incentive to demonstrate it. When rats running in a maze are given a reward at the end they tend to run faster.
Biological elements – neural & evolutionary:
: Organisms learn behaviors that are similar to their natural behaviors.
Modeling/ Vicarious Learning:
the process of learning specific behaviors and imitating
others(child sees his sister burns her finger on a hot stove leans not to touch it
Exposure to media violence:
Media violence can cause aggression. Those who view violence react more cruelly when provoked.
Neural mechanism - mirror neurons:
Neurons that fire when we perform certain actions
or when we observe another doing so. The same neuron fires when someone is praising us and the same neuron fires when we see someone praising someone else. Ex yawning
Getting information into our brain
retaining encoded information
Later getting that information out
Levels of processing:
we process verbal information at different levels
Shallow processing:
encodes on elementary level. Such as basic structure or appearance of a word. (Words letters)
Deep processing:
encodes based on the meaning of the word.
Aid memory; something that aide’s memory (Based on Imagery; Wordplay’s acronyms).