PERSONALITY 5 pt1 Flashcards
. Trait
Characteristic pattern of behavior or to act in certain ways.
Factor analysis: (Big 5) – CANOE or OCEAN
Allows a person to identify a group or clusters of items that people
answer similarly, or the same way to. Gave people a thousand words randomly and
had them rate themselves on how much they think these are one of these things. And
we looked if any of these were answered a certain way. EX social and outgoing most
likely to get the same rating. And then we eventually found 5 sets of dimensions that
help us identify differences in personality.
Five-factor model (Big 5) – CANOE or OCEAN
Conscientiousness: People who are very organized, very ambitious, follow through on commitments work hard. Those who are low on it are impulsive, unorganized, less preference for being organized.
Agreeableness: very trusting helpful, value cooperation and don’t like conflict. Those who are low on it are suspicious, a little hostile and uncooperative.
Neuroticism: The tendency to experience negative emotions. Be more anxious, stressed, and overwhelmed. Those who are low on it have lack of negative emotion. They are usually they are calm and very stable in a crisis. They feel secure and chill.
Openness: like variety. Like new things they like experiencing new things. Tend to be
imaginative artistic and creative. Those who are more conservative prefer conformity
and routine. For Ex if they go to a restaurant and they like something they will always pick it instead of being open and trying something new.
Extraversion: Very social outgoing tend to be happier, more positive emotion. Low on it are more comfortable with less people, can be shy and quiet.
Heritability OCEAN :
or h^2 of all of these is about 40%. Attribution to genes goes to about 40%
Related research OCEAN:
EX People who are higher or lower on extroversion. People who are lower on extroversion have a lower cortical response. Those who are higher on extroversion, if
we plunge their hand in cold water they won’t react as strongly as those who are low
on extroversion. High extroverted seek more social setting and seek more stimulation.
C. Person-situation controversy
personality trait scores are positively correlated with scores
obtained 7 years later. Interests, careers, relationships may change but personality traits
are stable.
Weak vs Strong situation
Strong situation: Some situations will demand you to act a certain way which is why traits
sometimes may not be very good at predicting behaviors. ex going to church or being in
the army. Expected to act a certain way not because you want to, we attend to social cues
our traits remain hidden.
Weak situation: hanging out with friends we feel less constrained allowing our traits to
emerge, being at a party less demand on us.
Social-Cognitive Theories:
How a person thinks about the situations and how they respond.
A. Relevant concepts
Reciprocal determinism
Our behaviors environment and our thought interact to produce our personality. Reciprocal means that each on can influence each other. Thought influence behavior the environment pushes us to act certain ways….
- Locus of control – internal & external
External: to a large extent what happens to us is due to things we can’t control such as
luck fate, other powerful people. Boss decided to give us a raise because he wanted
Internal: Things that we did. W get a raise because of what we did. Tend to have better
outcomes in life. Can help alter situation to the better in hard situations.
- Self-schema –
– framework of memories, beliefs, & generalizations about the self
Thinking about ourselves. Kids have these frameworks for understanding the world. We
spend our attention focusing on schemas that are in our interest.
Personality: Social-Cognitive Theories
1. Self-esteem:
ones feeling of high or low self-worth
a. Self-serving biases:
readiness to perceive ourselves in a favorable way. We often distort reality to help us understand reality better, for our self-esteem. Taking credits for success and not failures. We attribute our failures to external factors. If
we lose our job it is easier to say that the boss had it for me not that I was a bad worker.
We tend to rate things on a better average that they actually are, on qualities that we
think are better which helps protest our self-esteem.
Effects of self-esteem:
people who rate themselves at higher self-esteem tend to rate
themselves higher at happiness, they have more motivations, and they tend to rate
themselves on higher physical levels. Those who have low self esteem tend to
have more depressive disorders.
excessive levels of self-love. Think about themselves and have problems
with developing empathy for other people. Tend to react aggressively when their
self-view is critiqued or threatened in a certain way.
Self-concept: individualistic;
; tend to give priority for their own goals instead of their
groups. Prioritize self-expression and standing out from other people. It is okay to put
priority on yourself on individualistic cultures.
Collectivistic cultures.: Group goals priorities
What family wants and what our
coworkers want. Empathize responsibilities and connections between groups.